"Sarge, I got something" I say.

"What is it, Ln" Voight asked.

"Asset Forfeiture got a hit on Lexie's debit card" I say. 

"Do they have an ID" Voight asked.

"Yeah, a guy named Tony Hill. He was caught on a security camera using it at a convenience store two hours ago. He's a three-time convicted felon. He also lives around the corner from Lexie" I say.

Kevin, Kim, and Adam went out and got Tony. When they brought him back to the station, Adam and Voight went to interview him. However, when they came back into the bullpen, we had some news.

"What's up" Voight asked. 

"Techs ran the unknown blood you saw at Lexie's place. It came back as a white male" Hailey responded. 

"Okay, that rules out Hill" Voight said. 

"I had them run the sample against DNA from the other murdered dancers, and it was a match. Sarge, we're chasing a serial killer" Hailey said.


"This is Shanele Martin. She was found in a dumpster with 18 puncture wounds to her face and torso. She was sexually assaulted. Her mother reported her missing, but never heard back from CPD until they found the body. Techs also found the offender's saliva on her body. Rachel Jones, 18 puncture wounds, also face and torso, found in a dumpster near Garfield Park. Gina Ramirez, same old story. 18 puncture wounds, found near Garfield Park, dancer. All these happened in 2016. According to the M.E. reports, he kept them alive for 24 hours then he stabbed them to death and tossed their bodies into dumpsters like they're trash. All three victims, same M.O" Hailey said. 

"So Homicide knew they had a serial" Antonio stated. 

"Not necessarily. They only had DNA on one of the victims. Maybe they were still investigating" Hailey suggested. 

"Or maybe they just didn't give a rat's ass" Antonio said. 

"Okay, but when I was in Homicide, we took serial killers very seriously, and if we had no evidence whatsoever, we handed the case off to the feds. That could be what happened here. And we know the feds are always busy, so they probably never got to it" I say.

"Yeah, there are no FBI reports in any of the files that I've looked through and these girls are all still missing. All dancers, all lived near Garfield Park" Hailey said. 

"Who was the lead on Homicide" Jay asked. 

"Leo Hernandez handled all three cases" Hailey responded. 

"I know Leo. He's good police. Did you call him" Voight asked. 

"Yeah, I called. Got word back that he's out of state, watching a witness in protective custody. His whereabouts are unknown" Hailey replied. 

"All right. Who was Hernandez's area commander at the time" Voight asked. 

"Brian Kelton" Hailey answered. 

"Of course it was that asshole" I say.

"Okay, what else we got" Voight asked. 

"It looks like the killings stopped for about three years. No homicides, no disappearances with the same M.O. or DNA until now" Hailey said. 

"But how do we know the offender kept the girls alive for 24 hours" Voight asked. 

"Ligature marks and bruising patterns on the bodies. Techs also found trace amounts of unique cement granules on their clothes, which can't be a coincidence. It means he's keeping them in some kind of cellar" Hailey explained. 

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