Saturday, December 3rd

Start from the beginning

He wanted to push Mingi away, told him to fuck off, yelled at him to let the fuck go of him... but it was no use.

He stopped struggling against Mingi and let his body slide downwards until he sad there, leaned against the wall, shaking and covering his ears. Wooyoung's screams had died down and all that was left was an eerie silence. San felt warm tears run down his cheeks. Had Wooyoung passed out? Was he dead? Had that man beaten him to death? More tears.

San had never wished for the time turner to get him back to the present as much as this. This wasn't real. It couldn't be real. When would he finally wake up from this never-ending nightmare?

San was so out of it that he barely noticed another tall and slender man walk by them to enter Office B. San didn't need to know who he was to tell that he was the leader. Judging by the way everyone bowed down to him as he entered the room, he must have been that infamous New Lord Stephan had told Wooyoung about.

The horror was still fresh and pulsing through San's veins but seeing the man who had initiated this whole situation caused something deep inside of him to wake up. It was a feeling of burning hatred and anger stronger than anything San had ever felt before.

He leaned to the side to peek further into that room, glaring holes into both the violent man and the New Lord's backs.

San had never felt the need to murder anyone, but the feeling cooking up inside of him right now came dangerously close to it.

The man had pulled out his wand and was now pointing it at Wooyoung, ready to hurt him even more.

"Enough. We will have plenty of time for torture when it is needed," the New Lord said. The casual amusement and sarcasm in his voice made San even more furious.

The violent man didn't lower his wand. His cruel eyes were still fixed on Wooyoung's unconscious body. "He tried to escape, Vas. He needs to learn his lesson," he bit out.

The New Lord put a gentle hand on his arm. "Look at him. I am sure he has learned it."

Silence settled over them as both as they looked at Wooyoung. San's heart clenched up when he looked at him. He was on the ground, still tied to his chair, his hair all over the place and his beautiful face full of bruises and scratches. There was a cut in his lip and his nose was bleeding as well. His once clean and soft looking purple shirt was full of dirty footprints.

There was nothing San could do. All he could do was look at him from afar, his insides scrunching up at the sight.

He didn't know what that man said in response. He and Mingi had been dragged back to the present, back to the safety of the Slytherin Common Room in what felt like the blink of an eye.

They were still on the floor, in the middle of the room, shocked and disturbed by whatever that had just been. A few tears were still silently running down San's face and he allowed Mingi to pull him into his arms.

San didn't know how much time passed before Mingi managed to calm him down a little. He was still in a slight daze when they went back up the stairs leading to their dorm room. Neither of them said a word as Mingi followed San into his bed to lie down next to him.

Of course neither of them fell asleep. They simply lay there, their arms wrapped around each other in silence.

The image of Wooyoung curling up in pain and begging that man to stop just wouldn't disappear.

Mingi had been right. While San had been re-witnessing cheerful memories with Wooyoung and trying to distract himself from the reality of Wooyoung being captured, Wooyoung had tried to escape and failed. He was beaten and tortured and probably living in constant fear of getting killed.

Timeless: Hours of Anguish [ATEEZ Hogwarts AU]Where stories live. Discover now