Dumbledore's Army

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"When did you see this Ed?"

"Last night."

"Last night?" I cocked a brow, "What were you doing out?"

"Well, I followed you. You looked worried so I thought you needed help but I couldn't find you." No one was supposed to see me.

"Ed, don't do that. You know it's dangerous out, right?"

"Okay." He nodded, "But I can help." He spoke.

"I know. But you've got to start doing that by being careful."

He nodded.

"Fix your tie." I chuckled and he put his big book on the table and pulled up the knot under his collar and choked slightly and then loosened it.

"Bloody tie, I'm always getting it wrong." He spoke nervously.

"You alright?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." His cheeks tinted red.

"Hey, Giddiekins." A tall boy with curly brown hair walked by tapping his back harshly.

I looked at him with an offended eye.

"I'll see you later." Ed spoke, picked up his book and left.

"Who do you think he saw?" Harry asked.

"I don't know." I bit my lip.

But I did.

He'd seen Narcissa Malfoy and Peter Pettigrew. I got up. I had to talk to Dumbledore.

I took a note from my Divinition class and Mr. Firenze, the new Divinition Professor let me take some rest. I sat in the common room for the reat of the day, doing some homework and then familiarizing myself with the original curriculum of the fourth and third years comparing to Umbridge's enforced one.

"So?" I felt a bump beside me and saw Harry sitting, dressed in a dark blue jumper. His hair were glistening so it seemed he'd showered and he glowed. I gulped, sitting up and shrugging of my lingering sight.

"I went to the graveyard." I spoke lowly. His eyebrows scrunched for a second but then his face almost paled.

"Dumbledore doesn't believe me?"

"What? No. He wanted me to see if there was anything there we could use as proof to make Fudge believe us." I shook my head.

"What did you mean by encounter?"

"There was a Death Eater there. I didnt see his face but a little bit of duel and Professor Dumbledore's apperation helped." I sighed.

"You shouldn't have gone alone." He looked at me with a something could've decided to call worry.

"Who could I have brought with me?" I snickered. He raised a brow and I understood, "No. I'm not taking you out of these grounds. You'll die. And we can't have that. Not now." I dropped back against the back rest.

"Now now?" He cocked a brow.

"Yeah. Die later." I chuckled. He nodded, not smiling. Fearfully but I pressed a hand on his knee. He looked up at me.

"I consider you a good friend of mine and I won't put you under danger just because I fear I might be in it." I leaned in, speaking low.

"I don't think you get scared easy."

"You know me too well, Potter." I chuckled, dropping back, grunting at the pain that shot up.

"Does it hurt?" He looked at my arm.

Hinny, A Beginning (BOOK 1 OF HINNY THROUGH THE YEARS)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat