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You sat at your door of the apartment and cried until you had to get up and pack your things

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You sat at your door of the apartment and cried until you had to get up and pack your things. While you packed, you booked a hotel room for a couple of weeks until you can get your own place. You grabbed your suitcases and packed all your clothes, books that you read, and your bathroom items. You also packed anything else that was important to you. You left everything else for Spencer.

You zipped up your last suitcase and headed out the door. You walked out of the building and to your car. You put your bags in the back then you took a deep breath while looking back at the building. You quickly looked away from the building and you got into your car. You drove away to head to your new home for a few weeks.

You could've stayed with Emily or Penelope but you didn't want them knowing your relationship with Spencer or what was your relationship with him. You got your hotel key and headed for your room. You see someone standing at your door after getting off the elevator.

"Derek? What are you doing?" You asked, confused as to how he found you.

"Figuring out what you're doing, obviously." He answered with his arms crossed.

You rolled your eyes as Derek just stands in front of the doorway.

"My apartment has some plumbing issues so I'm staying at a hotel until they fix the problem." You lied, holding out your hand with the key to reach the door to unlock it.

"Likely story, y/n" Derek moves out of the way so you could get to the door. He knew immediately you were lying to him. To be fair, you weren't that great of a liar, and he was also a profiler.

"It's true Derek." You lied once more, hoping he'll at least accept it. You swiped your key against the card reader, the reader beeping and the light turned green, letting you know it unlocked.

"Mhm, and what happened with Spencer earlier?" His brows furrowed, still not believing a single word out of your mouth. He also wasn't going to let go of the Spencer situation because of what he saw.

Never mind. He won't accept my answer. You rolled your eyes again before answering him, "Nothing."

"You're a bad liar, y/n. I might have to punish you for that." He grinned when you gave him a look and smacked his arm. After you smacked him, you proceeded to open your door, and found a door stopper to hold it open while you bring your suitcases in.

"I'm serious Derek!" You rolled your suitcases into your room while Derek followed you in.

"Then how come you have more than one suitcase?" Derek pointed out, soon removes the door stopper with his feet, letting the door close slowly by itself.

Damn.. He never gives up, does he?

"Uh, shit." You mumbled as Derek crosses his arm laughing.

"Come on y/n, spit it out." He faces you, his hands going to his hips with a stern look on his face.

"If I say it you'll tell everyone on the team!" You exclaimed, rolling your suitcases against the wall for now, and avoiding eye contact with him.

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