Begging (CherryBerry)

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Sorry I haven't updated in a long time, there's been a lot of stuff going on


I was leaving the house to go over to UnderFell. Me and Cherry (UnderFell Sans) have been dating for 6 months, it has been wonderful. He let down the tough guy act with me and he's really sweet and gentle. Except for for...uh never mind. I summoned a portal and stepped through it.

The cold air rushed to me as I started shivering, luckily I was at Cherry's door. I pulled out the extra house keys he gave me and unlocked the door. "Cherry are you here?" I asked as I entered the house. "U-Upstairs!" I hear a stuttered anxious voice call out.

Cherry's POV

I waited for Blue(UnderSwap Sans) to enter the room as I laid in bed. I was in heat but didn't want to tell Blue or cancel him coming over. I then heard the door open and tried to conceal the red glow even more. I saw Blue walk over to the edge of the bed and eyes the red glow. "What is that red glow?" He asked in an innocent tone and slightly tilted his head.

I blushed deeply and muttered. "It's nothing." Blue just nodded and climbed onto the bed sitting right on my dick. I bit my 'lip' trying not to groan as he moved against it. Blue tilted his head even more and continued grinding against me. "B-Babe~" I quietly moaned out.

3rd person POV

Blue tilted his head then smirked lightly. Cherry wasn't looking at Blue as he clinched his eyes shut. Blues smirk grew as grinder against Cherry even more. "You like that?" He asked with a smirk. Reds eyes shot open and he responded in between quiet moans. "Ye-*moans* yes, *moans* it feels *moans* so good~"

Blues smirk grew as he got off of Cherry. He pulled the blankets off of the taller and sees that Cherry isn't wearing any bottoms, no shorts or boxers. Blues smirk grew and asked. "Were you preparing for this, Cherry~?" Cherry blushed a deep red and said in a quiet stuttered voice. "N-No."

Blue gave Cherry a questioning glare and said with a smirk. "Maybe you'll enjoy being the bottom for once." Cherry then felt something snap inside of him and he flipped them around so Blue was being pinned to the bed. "Listen here baby, you will never be the top, understood?" He asked. Blue blushed a vivid blue and nodded. "Good now stay there I need to get something." Cherry responded.

Cherry got off the bed and walked over to his dresser grabbing some rope, a blindfold, and a gag. Blue began rubbing his legs together as he summoned his female ectobody. He bit his 'lip' hoping Cherry uses them. Cherry looked back at Blue and smirked. He put the gag back and grabbed a collar and leash.

Blue pouted a little. Cherry rolled his eyes and walked back over to the bed. He smirked at Blue and grabbed the smaller's hands and tied them together behind the others back. Cherry gave Blue a quick peck on the lips and then slipped the blindfold onto Blue. Blue started squirming as he wasn't able to see or move, but that just excited his even more.

The taller let out a dark chuckle as he then put the collar and leash on his submissive.
"Ch-Cherry?" Blue called out not knowing if his lover was still there. "Nervous?" Cherry asked as he gently rubbed Blues cheek. Blue nodded his head and said quietly. "I don't like not getting to see you." Cherry smirked and said. "Then beg."

Blues blush worsened as he asked in a stuttered shocked voice. "W-What?!" Cherry's smirk grew as he said. "You heard me, I said to beg for it pet~" Blue turned his head away from the tall, and edgy version of him. "I don't want to." He said in refusal. "Then the blindfold won't be taken away." Cherry said with a shrug.

Blue turned his head back and mumbled. "Please master, take this blindfold off of me so I can see your expressions while you fuck me." Cherry smirked as he heard Blue clearly but said. "Sorry I didn't hear you." Blue took a deep breath and yelled. "PLEASE MASTER, TAKE THIS STUPID FUCKING PIECE OF FABRIC OFF OF MY EYES SO I CAN WATCH YOU FUCK ME!"

Cherry was taken back but took the blindfold off and said shamelessly. "Now if you want me to put my dick in you, you gotta beg for it as well." Blue groaned and said clearly. "Master, fuck me so hard that I can't feel my ass let alone walk for the next month." Cherry chuckled darkly and quickly trusted into Blue not giving him time to adjust as he continued roughly thrusting into Blue a fast as he could.

I'm going to stop it there, I don't have the energy to finish. Just PM me if you want to talk about finishing it and that goes for any other unfinished Oneshots.

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