Chapter 24: Cough Cough

Start from the beginning

"Aubrey?" She spoke faintly, struggling to open her eyes.

"Shh, go back to sleep," I told her quietly as I stroked her hair. Slowly, careful not to wake her back up, I slid into her bed next to her and pulled the cover over us. Instantly, I felt her little arm snake across my chest whilst the rest of her body laid half on top of me, her leg between mine and her head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped both my arms around her, one on her back and one hand on her head straking her hair as my other rubbed circles in her back beneth her top. We laid there as I comforted Nicki in her sleep whilst she cuddled up to me for warmth and security.

3 hours later

Nicki was still fast asleep as I held her. I hadn't slept, I wasn't tired. I just laid with Nicki, thinking about all the stuff we needed to do for moving down into the basement, which will hopefully keep Nicki's mind occupied. also thinking about Nicki's situation and how we can move forward with it.
Nicki started to move in my arms, signalling she was waking up. Her sore, dry eyes struggled to open.

"Hey princess," I smiled, kissing her forehead. "I love you,"

"H-hey," She struggled through her sore throat. "I lov-" She broke out in to a hard cough, struggling to stop. I rubbed her back until she'd stopped coughing. I looked down into her now watery eyes.

"You ok?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah," She replied weakly, smiling up to me.

"You don't seem ok. You look quite pale and weak," I told her as I examined her face.

"I'm fine, don't you worry," She smiled, stroking my cheek. I couldn't believe her, not when she looked like this. Nicki looks so pale and exhausted, even though she had just had a nap. I was seriously worried about her.

"You hungry?" I asked her.

"No, not really," She laid her head back down on my chest.

"Well I brought up some Haribos if you want a snack," I told her.

"Ok, thanks," She mumbled, drifting off to sleep again. I sighed, she really is not well. I carefully slipped out from underneath Nicki and placed one of her stuffed animals in her arms. Once I'd done that, I picked up the mug and took it downstairs to empty and wash. once I had gotten down there, Jade was there getting herself a drink.

"Hey," I greeted as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey," She smiled before taking a sip of her drink.

"Nicki's not too well and I was wondering if tomorrow, you would keep her company whilst I clean out the basement?" I asked her. Cleaning out the basement wouldn't do Nicki any good whilst she's ill and I don't want her to be on her own because she'll probably just get upset.

"Yeah course I can, I think her dad is going out tomorrow to look for a place to stay and a job, so Micaiah can join us," Jade agreed. I thanked her and went back up to Nicki with soothers, paracetamol and another hot chocolate. I entered her room and she was still fast asleep. Placing everything on her table, I gentle woke her up.

"Hey, I brought some hot chocolate," I helped her sit up and handed her the mug. She slowly lifted the mug to her lips with her hands shaking slightly. after take a small sip and coughing slightly, she handed my the mug and I set it down on her table. I turned back to her and watched her cautiously as she got her self comfy. She turned to me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She questioned, her voice sounding very frail through her sore throat. I picked up the pack of soothers and handed her one. She took it at slipped it into her mouth. "Thank you," I smiled.

"Nicki, I know you're not very well. You are so pale and weak, you can barely talk," I told her as i rubbed her hand.

"I just hav-" She coughed hard, "A bit of a sore throat, that's all," Smiling weakily as she tried to reasure me that she was alright, but I knew.

"Look, I know you want to be strong and everything but you are sick and ignoring it and pretending you're fine is not going to make it any better. You need a couple days to just relax and have me take care of you. Everyone gets sick, no ones going to think any different of you if you have few days off from sickness. You know none of us lot are going to think any different of you," I reasured Nicki, sitting on her bed and holding her hand. "So, take these," I handed her the paracetamol. "And get plenty of rest and just chill out in here or where ever you want as long as you are resting," I told her as she took the tablets.

"You acting like I'm your daughter," She glared at me.

"Only because I care," I kissed her forehead. "You want me to stay with you?" I asked.

"Yeah," She cleared her throat. "You can keep me company," She smiled. I climbed into bed next to her and she cuddled up to me as I turned her TV on. "Can we wat-" She began to cough again, but soon recovered. "Um...Let's Be Cops?" She asked.

"Of course," I downloaded the movie and pressed play.

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