oh no-bokuto

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boyfriend of 1 year now.
and sometimes you want to kill him.
he is so sweet and so gentle, he's funny and helpful, he's encouraging and bright.
he's also moody, bipolar, clueless, childish, he's loud and gets distracted easily.

he makes you happy.
never does he make you sad.
just a little mad.

"that doesn't go there!"
"hey stop it!"

you slapped the hand of your boyfriend helping you cook dinner.
his hair deflated along with his smile.
you sighed and apologized for snapping at him.

his face went back to a smile and his hair went back up.
you calmly told him what to do and how to do it and he finally got it.

you just stared at him putting so much focus into his work.
you got a small almost evil smirk on your face and took some of the flour out of the bag and stuck your finger in it. coating your finger.

you reached over and {boop} you stuck your flour covered finger on your boyfriends nose.

he went crossed eyed to see what was now on his nose, he whipped his head back at you almost offended.
you couldn't help but bust into laughter
"awe bo you're so cute."
he didn't see you had flour all over your hands and you gripped his cheeks pulling him to you.

you gave him a soft kiss and let go.
flour now on his cheeks you began to laugh again.
he touched his cheeks and realized what you did.
he gave you a smirk and you didn't notice, you where in your own world still laughing.

he coated his hands in the flour and palmed your chest.
you where wearing and plain black shirt that now had your boyfriends hand prints on it.

you gasped at your inappropriate boyfriend.
him now laughing loudly.
you couldn't be mad.
looking at his face red from laughing made your heart completely melt.

you sighed and hugged him.
he looked down at you a little confused by your gentle action.
but he isn't gonna complain and wrapped his arms around you.

you nuzzled you face into his chest and absorbed his sent.
you felt two big hands grip your ass.
oh no.
is all you thought as you realized your boyfriend just put two flour hand prints on your ass.

haikyuu boyfriends Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora