Adult Future Trunks (with malicious intention) X Teen Female Reader Lemon

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Few months later, he tried to move on. But it was useless. He missed her presence even though he didn't get to confess his true feelings to her. He was having second thoughts, thinking he should do it? His mind rewind back when Whis advised him to avoid time traveling. He felt guilty of thinking of traveling back. But he couldn't care anymore. He informed his counterpart and everyone else that he's going to be away for a while. Once he left, he got into the time machine and traveled to the past once more.

On Goku's timeline, he and Vegeta were sparring in Bulma's backyard. Since Lord Beerus is napping, Whis came to have lunch with them. But out of the blue, a time machine landed on the ground. Whis sighed and shake his head, "Oh boy", and ate his piece of steak. Goku, Vegeta, and Bulma looked surprised and saw Adult Future Trunks climbing out of the machine. "Trunks!?", Goku exclaimed, "You're here!" 

Bulma ran over to her future son and hugged him AF Trunks (shortened for Adult Future) hugged her back. He pulls away and faces his father. Vegeta gave him a stern confused look at him, "What's this about?", he asked. Whis hovered over and stood beside Goku, "Yes, why are you traveling back here?"

His violet eyed and stern look at AF Trunks made him feel guilty again. He lowered his eyes down and spoke, "I'm very sorry Whis, but I got an important last mission to do." "Oh?", everyone said. "What is it? More villains?", Goku asked. AF Trunks blushed, "Actually....", he said embarrassed. Everyone stood closer to him. A little while later, everyone is appalled, "What? A girlfriend!?" Vegeta got really angry and landed a punch on his son's shoulder, "Why would you travel all the way from the future future timeline to get a girlfriend?!?", he yelled. But AF Trunks shouted back, "I DON"T CARE!!! SHE WAS ALREADY DEAD IN MY TIMELINE AND I NEED HER TO BE WITH ME!!" Bulma patted his shoulder and said, "Trunks, I understand how you feel, but she has families and friends here. You cannot force her to live with you. You and her are in two different worlds."

But AF Trunks refused to listen and ran over to the front of the house, "I WILL NOT LISTEN ANYMORE!! IF WE CAN'T BE TOGETHER THAN I WILL MAKE HER BE MINE!!! And he flew up in the air and took off. Both Bulma and Vegeta groaned in frustrations. "Look how we raised him", Bulma said while rubbing her brows. Vegeta turns and looks at her, "What we did, your future self raised him. I was already dead in that timeline", he said. He does have a point. Bulma sighed, feeling ashamed for hurting her future son's emotions. Let's hope for the best how things turn out.

Far away in North City, AF Trunks landed at the same park from his timeline. He took a walk for a few minutes. Until his blue eyes sparkled, finally he found his love interest. Since she was older than him in his timeline, this one is younger than him: (Y/n)-Chan.

(Y/n)-Chan is sitting on a bench, reading her favorite novel "Vampire Kisses On My Neck" (it's a parody of Vampire Kisses), and giggled at the part where Alexander Sterling accidentally ate Viagra, instead of Tic Tac mints, and got his girlfriend scared by his size at 20-foot-long penis. He walks closer to her and clears his throat, getting her attention as she gasps lightly. She turns to him, sees her beautiful young (color) skin face: her (color) eyes are lovely, her nose is small like his, rosey pink blush on her cheeks. His eyes scan her body, she has a nice (weight) and (height) body: (weight) body with (color) skin, a (color) blouse and a (color) skirt. She wore her (color) shoes and a (color) hat to keep the sun out of her eyes.

"Hey", AF Trunks greeted her, held his hand out to her, "I'm Trunks." Once she smiled, it was her shiny white teeth that got him excited. She giggled, "Hi! I'm (Y/n). You can call me (Y/n)-Chan. She held her hand out and shook. But he leaned closer and gave her hand a kiss. She looks surprised by his mannerism and blushed. He let go of her hand and flash his smile at her, "So what are you reading?", he asked. She was stunned by his handsome face, his perfect framed body, and suddenly snapped out of her thoughts, "This is the parody version of my favorite novel Vampire Kisses", she said and patted her hand next to her, "Come sit and I'll tell you."

Complete: Dragon Ball Super Oneshots Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant