Start from the beginning

Kimiko furrowed her brows inquisitively, catching Frenchie's attention,"Who is 'they'?" He quizzed.

His dark eyes wandered to the doorway at the back a second time, but no answer was delivered.

Proof of frustration in his clenched, aching jaw, Hughie suggested,"How about we actually just talk to her?" He was abandoned in another uncertain silence, as if to tell him it was at his own risk. But now so much had changed, it was a risk he was willing to take.

He made his way quietly over to his 'bedroom' door, peeking through the small gap for a moment to check that was where she had scuttled off to. Rowan sat at the edge of his bed, knees tucked into her chest, as her fingers traced the cracks of the plastic on her necklace, clenching it in her fist and eyes darting into him as soon as he made the smallest sound.

"Hey, just me." He warned, holding his hands up. Hughie watched her flippantly stuff the cheap jewellery back down her sweatshirt before taking a seat next to her, following her eyes to the near ground and rocking at the same pace. "You look like shit, Rowan."

"...I know."

"Just be happy you're back. We... haven't really got much... apart from this so it's... it's nice to see you." He shrugged, offering that small, cute smile he hadn't felt take form on his face for a while, now.

"Thanks, Hughie." Rowan whispered, shuffling back and leaning her head against the wall. "What did I miss?"

"You're famous!" He chuckled, leaning back with her.

"Yeah, I know." She smirked.

"You're as wanted as Butcher, you were on the Chris Hansen show... you can't scroll through YouTube without seeing a compilation of you tearing someone's face off." Hughie scoffed, eyes darkening when they landed on the blood stains on the sink. "Uh... th-the CIA lady...-"

"Raynor? Susan Raynor? What happened?"

"She-... she's dead." He choked out.

"What the fuck?"

"Yeah, we went to see her and her head just..." His eyes widened as soon as he realised how deep in thought she was,"Rowan, what do you know?"

"N-nothing... I just-I just saw her recently..." She swallowed,"More in it than I was willing to hear..."


"...I don't know."

"We're, like, pretty fucking spectacular at getting people killed." He sighed, slumping with an arched back against the wall.

"That's who we are, Hughie." She shrugged simply. "I mean, how else is this all gonna' end apart from us all dying?"

Having been crushed in the feels even harder, Hughie attempted to lighten the mood,"What have you been doing?"

"Learning to drive." Rowan stated bluntly.

"Can you?"

She took a moment to consider,"Yeah, just put your foot down and go, right?"

He couldn't help but chuckle,"Sure."

          "You two finished your motivational speeches to each other?" Butcher asked loudly once the both of them had re-emerged.

"I can't believe you called him." Hughie hissed at Frenchie.

"I'm sorry petite Hughie, it's not a game now. We need a real captain."

𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗡 𝗢𝗙 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗜𝗞𝗘𝗥 | the boys 2Where stories live. Discover now