Chapter Forty-Six: Personal Chauffeur

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Quentin quickly saw Penny's face lightened up. He heard her talk about her friends in the cast and crew all the time. They sounded like lovely people and even he was excited to meet them. 

"Hey Kris!" The woman with short, now vibrant (close to highlighter) yellow hair, turned to face the couple. It was a sharp contrast from the more blue undertones her extremely pale skin. At first the woman smiled, then her eyes widened and her eyebrows raised. 

"Hey Penny and mysterious man she came with," She was giving the come talk to me later eyes. Well, Penny recognized the look as a call for gossip, Quentin didn't notice anything. He was distracted by the distant noise of work on the stage. He continued to think about what the stage looked like. 

"Quentin...Quentin!" Penny called twice to get his attention. Finally, he took notice and turned to look at her. "We are going to see the director Diane now."

He nodded, holding her hand tighter. Penny followed the hallway to the stage, where Kristen told her where Diane was. And there, overseeing the final construction and prop pieces onstage, was Diane. Sensing someone walked into her theater, she turned her head to see her lead...and a random man holding her hand. 

She doesn't remember Penny every staying she had a boyfriend. 

While the two seemed to be talking, in their own little world, Diane called out, "Penny, it's good to see you!"

Smiling a waving, Penny grabbed Quentin and dragged him to her. 

"Hey Diane," She turned to the set, "Wow it looks even better than what I imagined."

"Yeah, they worked really hard," Diane agreed. "Why don't you introduce me to this young man?"

"Oh, sorry, this husband, Quentin Romano," She said it hesitantly, not like she was lying about the fact but rather she never said those words out loud (which was very true). 

The director was very taken back by this fact. She would have never guessed that her lead was married. She never wore a wedding ring and she never talked about him. It was very strange. 

"Hello, I'm Quentin," he reached out a hand for her to shaken. She thought he was fairly  handsome for being white...and a man. Strong jaw, thick light brown hair, average nose, and vibrant green eyes. He could stand out in a crowd. His handshake and attire truly gave off who he was: a business man. 

"I'm sorry if I seemed surprised, she just never talked about a husband."

"Yeah," Quentin chuckled a little bit, "She can be a little private about our life. We got married pretty fast and she gets tired hearing 'You shouldn't have gotten married so soon!'" Quentin basically lies through his teeth. She has never said those words. He might be a better actor that me, Penny thinks, keeping an agreeable face. 

"Oh don't tell me about that! I have basically heard it all before," Diane's laughed along with him, her eyes drifting away the couple to a certain person off stage. She soon snaps back once the polite laugher ends, "So what finally brings you out into the open, exposing yourself to all?"

"Well," Penny started, wringing her hands between each other. Oh my god, my lead better no be pregnant! "I was in an accident yesterday."

"Oh no! Are you okay? What happened?" Diane asked, now nervous too. What she really wanted to ask was if she was okay to perform next week. The show's budget wasn't the biggest and they current don't have any understudies. 

"I was crossing the street and not paying attention and a car came speeding towards me. Luckily, someone else was on the other side, so they grabbed me and pulled me away from being it. I fell and really cut up my legs. But I am okay performing, perfectly okay. Well except my legs don't look very good-"

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