𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟓

Start from the beginning

    Jace was already seated behind his drum set, Alice and Dylan were standing on either sides of the mic, which was situated in the middle.

    Okay now McKenna, don't freak out.

    I take a deep breath, approaching the mic. I keep my head down, looking at my feet as they bring me to the center of the stage, standing before the mic stand.

    I lift my head, and the sight of thousands of empty seats facing my direction makes me woozy, I could feel my heart plummet and my stomach rise to my throat. This is too much.

    Zoe gives the thumbs up, signaling for the band, and the sound technicians at the tech booth that we were beginning.

    The intro to ILYSB begins, and I open my mouth to sing, but no words came out, and I stood there frozen. I feel like Gabriella Montez when she sang in front of the whole school.

    The band immediately ceases their playing and Zoe stands from her seat, marching to the front of the stage, and angry glare in her eyes.

    "McKenna, what the fuck was that!" She scolded, folding her arms across her chest and giving me the nastiest glare that she could, I don't need my assistant right now Zoe, I need my best friend.

    "I-I'm sorry, can we run that again." I close my eyes, mentally cursing myself at what had just happened. This is just the beginning, I can't do this now.

    The band plays the intro again, but just like what happened a few minutes ago, the words are caught in my throat. Tears are now falling and my hands were shaking uncontrollably.

    I started to act on instinct, and ran off the stage. Harry can't see me like this, this is fucking embarrassing. He chose me to be his opening act and here I am having an anxiety attack about it.

    I run to my dressing room, and rush straight into the bathroom, locking myself in it and trying to regain my control of my breathing, they can't see me like this.

    The image of people booing me off stage suddenly comes to mind, making my breathing constrict even more. I'm going to be a disappointment, I'm going to disappoint Harry, my parents, management, myself.

    "Angel?" I could hear someone knock, Harry's voice ringing through the door but I don't make a move to open it. He can't see me like this.

    He chose you, McKenna, pull it together.

    I take another deep breath, but the image of Harry's disappointed look flashes through my mind, and all I could think is I'm going to fuck up tonight.

    "McKenna, please move away from the door, I'm going to kick it down!" Harry yells through the door, but I sat there frozen, my breathing weighing me down. I've never felt an anxiety attack physically hinder me like this, this wasn't a normal anxiety attack.

    "McKenna!" Harry yells through the door once again, but I don't move, I physically can't.

    The doorknob twists, but not fully. They're trying to come in, but I focus more on the floor, tears constantly shedding from my eyes, my hands shaking uncontrollably, and all I could think was if I rest my eyes, I could feel myself breathe.

    I hear the door open, but I remain lying on the floor, my eyes clamped shut.

    "McKenna!" I could hear his voice, but it was distant, everybody was yelling, but they were at a distance. I could feel someone lift my head, and place their arms under my knees, carrying me. I could still feel the tears pouring out of my eyes, but I didn't dare to open them, I didn't want to see the disappointment in his eyes.

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