Darkness Unleashed (Chapter 2)

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"Why don't you leave Roy and I alone we haven't done anything to you." Ren's familiar voice echoes through the classroom.

  I turn and face the crowd, but their backs are to me. 

"That little punk embarrassed me in class so he's going to get what's coming to him." Brice walks closer to Ren.

"I don't have time for this. I'm taking Roy and getting out of here. You guys are crazy im telling the principal". Ren turn and tries to push through the wall of boys. They push him back into Brice. 

Brice grabs him and shoves him against the wall. He balls up his fist and swings at Ren. Inches from his face Ren dodges and clocks Brice square in his nose. Brice holds his nose and stumbles back, which gives Ren a chance to advance on him. He lets loose a fury of punches at Brice until the others grab him and restrain him against the wall. Someone punches Ren in the stomach, he hunches over gasping for air. Brice knees Ren in the head, this makes his body jerk up and fall to the ground. Ren doesn't get up he seems be unconscious. Brice continues his assault and repeatedly kicks Ren in the ribs. He gets on top of Ren and grabs his head.

I watch as Brice slams Ren's head into the floor multiple times and at this point the group of boys films Brice beat up Ren.

I can't let this go on any longer, "Stop it now!" My voice echoes off the walls. 

Brice lets go of Ren's head and looks to me with a nasty smile on his face. A pool of blood forms around Ren's head, but he is still breathing I can tell that from the rise and fall of his back. 

"Oh, look who's finally awake. Did you enjoy the show?" Brice teases to me.

"Leave him alone or else." I say my anger rising but my hands are tremble.

"Or else what. What are you going to do to me you little punk?" He baits me.

"I'm going to make you regret ever putting your hands on him."  I say more confidently than i feel. 

"Well come at me than, don't be chicken." He stands raises his arms in an inviting manner.  

I charge at him down the middle of two rows of desk in a straight path. When I reach him, he swing on me, but I instinctively  dodge under his arm. I come up with an upper cut, which connects with his jaw. He grabs my arm with lightning speed and I throw a punch at his face with my free arm. It hits but has zero effect. Brice knees me in my stomach and I fall to the ground out of breath. He grabs a fist full of my coiled black hair and holds me up. I grab his arm with both of hands but I cannot get free of his grip. Brice punches me with tremendous force, and it feels like being hit with a baseball. My head slams into the yellow tile floor, my ears ring and I can taste iron in my mouth. 

Brice isn't through with me. "Come on your boyfriend put up a better fight than this." 

"Get him up! Now!" He barks at the other boys.  

My body falls limp as the boys picked me up by my arms, my head hangs, but the ringing in my ears doesn't stop. My legs feel like jelly under me, but I to stand somehow, probably from the unwanted help from Brice's lackeys. Brice steps forward and starts hitting me indiscriminately my head, my stomach, my throat. All his punches make solid contact and with every punch it sends unbearable pain through my body. I can't take it anymore I desperately cry "Stop! Stop! Stop!" 

Brice laughs " Ha make me." 

My vision is blurry, I'm close to passing out. I can really feel any pain now.   

Everything is mute a I hear a noticeable thud throughout my entire body. The beating gets louder with every passing moment, to the point where it sounds like a rapid drum beat. The beating stops, and it's quiet again . A strange pressure starts rising within me. It feels like a switch is turned on inside of me.

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