
772 31 4

Nov 5th 2038.   AM 5:36

I smacked my hand onto the digital alarm clock. Very groggily sitting up. My first stop was the bathroom. Taking a quick shower to wake me up. After that I changed into fresh clothes, and went downstairs to my kitchen. Passing my dinner table, with a wilting orchid. I also picked up Tai's empty food and water bowl.

I reached the kitchen, buttered some bread, ate it, and drank a glass of water. Which is really the only thing I have the energy to make in the morning. I also filled up Tai's bowls before I walked back to the dining room, and looked outside to the back door. The garden is completely overgrown, as I haven't found the motivation to care for it. I've had people I know tell me that I should get myself an android. Suggesting a bunch of models for me. But I always decline them. It doesn't feel right to just... replace one for another.

I looked at the clock. 5:57 AM.

I walked over to my front door, put my shoes on, and wrapped a coat around me. I grabbed a long white scarf and faced the mirror. Grimacing at my face before wrapping the scarf to cover the lower half. "Disgusting" I commented, grabbed my bag, and stepped outside.

I walked down the streets, to the bus stop. Looking around at all the people with their personal androids. Assisting them without a second thought. I decide to ignore them, as I continued to the bus stop, eventually reaching it.


It's been about two weeks since we had a customer come over with an AX400. It took a while to repair her, since she was completely demolished. Apparently she was hit by a car, but I doubt that's the whole story. I'm not even sure that it's the truth. But we have to believe and serve the customers. Because "the customer is always right"

I pulled my white scarf to properly cover the lower half of my face, before stepping into the shop, checking so that she's properly activated. I went back to the back room again, when she started looking around the store. "It's been activated" I told my manager, who's also working in the store, while I passed him. Returning to the repair table and started on the next client. Who wasn't as difficult. I only had to replace a few biocomponents.

The only thing that bothered me, was that it was a gardener WR600. And it seems that my manager noticed. Asking me what was wrong. "Nothing" I simply answered. "I just got confused for a second, is all" I answered with the same tone. "Oh? What's so confusing?" he asked, walking closer. "The audio processor" I picked up the mentioned part. "Is not compatible with this model" I finished. "Huh. No wonder they were complains that it wasn't listening" he chuckled at the end, and returned to the store. "I'm surprised they even got it to fit" I stated before he closed the door. Leaving me alone.

I hunched over, letting my professional and stoic act disappear. I sighed heavily. "God I miss you" I breathed. I looked at the android's face. Before shaking my head. "No... you're not the one" I continued talking to myself.

I finished repairing the android, and stood back up. I looked around the shelves, more or less just making sure if I have to order anything before I leave for the day. I sighed again. "I can't let this interfere with my work" I quietly talked to myself. "It's been six years. Why can't I just let it go?" I continued, getting frustrated with myself. I straightened my back, and took a quick, but deep breath. Fixing my scarf again. I walked over to my locker, and took off my work jacket. Putting on my own, personal coat.

I stepped out into the shop, to see that the AX400 is already gone.
I paused for a moment, before stepping outside of the store. Walking past the protestors, to wait on the bus back home.

I boarded the nearly empty bus, and sat down in the back. Feeling kinda bad for the few androids standing, and segregated from humans. I put on my headphones to listen to my usual music list, leaning my head back. Holding the scarf to make sure it doesn't fall off.

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