Drew: Whats wrong Lassie?

I didnt get you anything.

Drew: Yes you did.

No. I didnt Drew.

Drew: You got me you. Thats all I want from you. You being happy,smiling and feeling comfy. Thats what I want. Sit. I wanna talk to you Lassie.

(Goes to sit beside him)

Drew: (Puts his arm out to keep me from sitting beside him) You can sit here if you want. (Pats his leg)

(looks at him not knowing what to do)

Drew: Im not gonna do anything nasty or touch you where you dont wanna me touched. I promise. I may cuddle you tho.

(Just looks at him)

Drew: (Looks sad) Im sorry Lassie. If I made you feel uncomfy again. (Kisses my hand) You do what you think is more comfy to you.

(Slowly sits on his leg)

Drew: You sure Lassie?

(Nods my head yes)

Drew: (Slowly puts his arm around me and cuddles me to him and leans his head on mine and hugs me)

(Smiles and hugs him back) What you wanna talk to me about?

Drew: (holds my hand and rubs it as he looks at it) Its about when we go back on the road. I would really love it if you came with us. I'd take care of you best I can and protect you with my life. I swear to you right now I will.

(looks at him)

Drew: I know your scared Lassie. I understand that. I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart that no one will take advantage of you. Im sorry for my language here but I will fuck someone up if they touched you. I would make sure they never messed with you again. I wouldnt stop til I seen the hurt in their eyes.

If some bastard looked at you like your a peace of meat I'd punch them til they couldnt see anymore. I vow by it. Thats how much I care about you Lassie. I care so much. This is your choice ok? You do what you really wanna do. It would just make me happy to have you with me.

(looks at him and kisses his cheek)

Drew: (Smiles big) What was that for?

For being the best guy ever. For being the sweetest and most caring. And respectful of me.

Drew: (Smiles) I mean it all.

I'll have to think about this tho. I'll have you an answer later tonight I think.

Drew: No matter what you choose. You wont lose me. Id still call,text and video you. Miss you.

I know you would (Smiles)

Drew: (Puts both his arms around me and hugs me to him)

(Whispers to him) You give the best hugs of anyone thats ever hugged me.

Drew: (Smiles) Really?

Yes (Smiles)

Drew: Change into the gown now and I can give you the best cuddle you ever had.

Later (Smiles) I dont wanna get anything on it when I eat.

Drew: (Rubs my face and smiles as he looks at me)

(Looks at him and smiles)

Julie: (Comes to the door) Dinner is ready!

Be there in a bit!

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