Chapter 2

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~Bakugo's POV~

I waited rather impatient for headphones to walk out. I stare at the door putting on my iconic glare. Suddenly the door opens and the glare softens. "Follow me headphones." I say before turning around to walk away. "Why does he always ruin everything.." I hear dunce complain and I grit my teeth. "How dare he.." I thought to myself. I always protected his ass from trouble and did countless things for him. I start walking to the elevator seeing headphones follow behind me. I dont bother to say anything. What needs to be said will be said once we got to my dorm. I click the button for the elevator and let her walk in first. "Thanks, Bakugo." I nod and walk in after her hitting the button for my floor and we stand there in the silence. I could sense her eyes looking at me but It didn't bother me. My face was abnormally calm at the moment waiting for it to come to my floor. When we finally reach my floor it makes a ding sound and the door opens. I once again let her leave first and I followed her out. I make a quick turn to my dorm and open the door. "Alright headphones," I say as she walks in, "time to have a chat." She nodded slightly and sat down on my bed and I stood across from her leaning against the desk. "First off, what's your deal with dunce face?" Her face turns a soft shade of pink and her eyes widen slightly. I wait for her silently observing her reaction. "W-what I dont understand," She starts but I scoff. "If it was nothing you wouldn't of been snooping in on dunces and pony tail's conversation." I watch as her eyes widen surprised. "H-how did you," she started and I shrug, "I'm more observant than I look headphones. Now you have some explaining to do." I said crossing my arms. She bites her lip looking down clearly struggling to find the right words. I sigh and sit next to her on the bed. She looks at me surprised. "You like dunce dont you." I say looking right into her eyes.


I guess you could say these are one of those things you take for granted that you shouldn't. Like how observant Bakugo really is. Not to mention how cautious he's being because he sees its a hard topic for me. I look into his eyes and I find myself trapped in them. They pierce into me and I never really looked straight into them. I sigh knowing he's not gonna let up. " Y-yeah fine I do," I say, feeling my face heat up I try to look away but he continues to stare right at me. "What were you doing with dunce?" He says calmly with a hint of curiosity  which is all too new for me. I continue to stare into his crimson red eyes and I bite my lip before finally answering. "G-giving him tips on how to get dates..." I say sadly still looking into his eyes. I watch as his calm face turns into the spitting image of anger.I start panicking as he looks away snarling slightly. "W-wait Bakugo dont," I say stuttering slightly. He has that look in his eye that means he's gonna beat the shit out of someone. He suddenly turns to me glare softening. "Why..why the hell are you helping him!? He cant even see something so obvious.." Still blushing slightly I look into his eyes again. "Because, just because he'd never date me doesn't mean that I cant be a good friend-" I stop realizing what I just said and Bakugo scoffs. "Really?" He says as he cocks a eyebrow. "W-who would anyways," I say, breaking our eye contact and I hear him sigh. "Headphones you shouldn't force yourself to do this.." He says his face now calm and I sneak a glance at him. "How do you know if i'm forcing myself to do this or not," I snap slightly still not used to this nice Bakugo. Or really trusting it. He looks into my eyes once again and I hesitantly looking back into his piercing red eyes. "Because no one should help their crush find another love." He says simply standing up. "You dont have to stay anymore and I won't say anything." He walks over to his desk and I blink surprised. I stand up hesitantly and walk to the door. My hand hovers over the knob. "Thanks Bakugo," I say and open it to leave. "Your welcome," I hear him call out and small smile closing the door behind me. Guess he is more then meets the eye. 

(Hope you enjoyed)

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