𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙬𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙨

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{inspired by this fanart!! go follow paco

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

{inspired by this fanart!! go follow paco.peace on instagram they're really cool and an amazing artist!!}

"How long have we been walking?" Ray whined. They had been walking in the forest to have dinner with Bigfoot. That might've been the weirdest thing they've ever done.

"Its been 30 seconds, Ray." Schwoz responded.

"Well we've been walking around for 30 whole seconds, I'm starting to think Bigfoot isn't even real." Ray was clearly annoyed with the fact that he hadn't gotten what he wanted right away. It was a trait everyone hated but, that was Ray for ya.

The blond boy rolled his eyes, "dude, we just got here."

"Yeah well," Ray stammered, "I wanna see Bigfoot."

"That's literally why we're here." Jasper said.


"That's literally why we're here."

As they continued walking, Charlotte tried to ignore their 'Dinner with Bigfoot' chants. She loved those guys, but sometimes they were a little much.

Correction, they were always a little much.

She couldn't help but wonder how different her life would've been if Henry had never been Kid Danger, if she and Jasper never got jobs here.

This definitely wouldn't be happening, that's for sure, but everything else? Would she have gotten into L.I.M.P? Would she, Henry, and Jasper still be as close as they were now? Would she and Henry be dating?

Woah. Where did that come from?

Surely she had never seen Henry like that and he certainly never thought of her that way, right?

Although, things had changed a lot since they were 13. She loved how much taller he had gotten, and how soft his hair had looked now. She also grown to love his brown eyes, and how safe she felt when they hugged and-



Maybe she had a tiny crush on him, but nothing would come from it. Nothing at all.

Entranced in her thoughts, she didn't even notice the rather large rock in front of her. Causing her to trip and fall, flat on her face. "Ow." She winced.

"Char? You alright?" Henry asked, turning around as soon as he heard her small yelp as she fell, concern written all over his face.

Charlotte waved him off, getting up by herself, "I'm fine-" she said before trying to stand on her foot, she winced as she grabbed onto Henry's arm for support.

"Sure you are."

"Seriously. I'm fine. Let's just keep going."

Henry was hesitant, before nodding and walking a little slower than before to stay with Charlotte.

She tried not to wince as she limp walked with Henry, but man did her foot hurt.


"I said I'm fine Henry."


After about a few more steps, Charlotte caved, "okay fine, my foot really hurts. Are you happy now?"

"A little bit." He smiled satisfactorily. "Do you want me to take you home or..?"

Charlotte shook her head, "no, we came all this way."

Henry pondered for a moment, before getting in a squat like position in front of her, "get on my back."


"Hop on my back, I'll carry you the rest of the way."

"Hen, seriously, I can make it until-"

"Get on my back or i'll pick you up myself and take you home."

Charlotte rolled her eyes, knowing her cru-best friend would quite literally do that. She grabbed on to his shoulders, trying to ignore the pressure she was putting on her foot to hoist herself up onto Henry's back.

Henry held her up by the back of her thighs, while her hands dropped over his shoulders. "You good?"


"Henry, Charlotte. You guys have been standing around for two whole minutes now let's go."  Ray said cocking his head the direction they were heading.

"Dude, YOU were standing around for two whole minutes." Henry defended.

"Yeah! Henry actually helped me." The girl added.

"You're just faking it."


"This again?" Charlotte asked in annoyance, rolling her eyes.

"What do you mean again?"

"This is just like that time I was sick and you thought I was faking."

"You were!"

"I threw up on you."

"It was fake."

"How do you fake that-"

"You wanted to get out of work-"

"Oh sure I did-"

"You just admitted it!"

"Do you not know what sarcasm is."

"Guys!" Charlotte yelled, interrupting their banter and grabbing their attention, "stop arguing and just go!"

"You still were faking it."

Henry rolled his eyes and continued following the three guys in front of him.

"How did you not see that rock?" Henry asked.

Charlotte shrugged, although he couldn't really see her, "lost in thought I guess."

"What we're you thinking about?"

Charlotte froze, she wasn't expecting that question, nor was she prepared for it. What was she supposed to say? 'Oh you know, just about how I might sorta kinda possibly maybe definitely like you'?

"Oh...you know..." she trailed off, trying to think of something, anything. "Stuff."

Great one, Charlotte.

"Mm."  He hummed.

"Is Bigfoot even real?" She inquired.

"No idea. But we've been walking around for four whole minutes!"

i was watching this episode while writing it and ray falling for all of the traps was so funny to me he's so stupid i hate him 💀

henryway, I've been having a huge chenry breakdown on priv and been analyzing and freaking out over every moment because lets be honest pretty much every chenry moment is amazing and now here i am writing like 7 oneshots. BUT LIKE WHY WERENT THEY ENDGAME?/?:$$: (i literally was so tempted to write about this for English-you have no idea how hard it was to stop myself 💀)

bro i need to STOP because now im thinking of all of my chenry moments and going to have my 47288th mini breakdown inside my big breakdown and ill rant for years on why chenry should've been endgame and i will. so,,,,bye ill shut up.

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