To kill Rake

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 ~Chapter 1~

Valerie's P.O.V

    “Rake!!! You dumb moron…One thing!! I asked you to do just one simple thing. And you couldn’t even do that!!!” I literally screamed at my phone but I bet no one even heard that in between all the squealing these pig tailed girls were doing.

“I am sorry…I am sorry…” He screams back.

“All I asked you was to get me a ticket for the Vines and you got me some Julian whatsoever’s……RAKE!!!! I am going to eat you alive and Deckie won’t be able to save you this time!!”

“Ooohh…!! Calm down..calm down Val! Hello..hello ..Val I can’t hear you….Val!” I know what he is doing. He is doing the trick of crushing bubble wrap near the receiver. I am not stupid..duh! Idiot!

“Yeah!!! I ‘ll calm your ass down” I shout at him once again before shutting the phone.

              I need to get out of here. Yeah! You may say there is the exit sign go get out. But no sweetheart it isn’t that easy in between me and the exit sign is a wide ocean of fangirls screaming at the top of their lungs. I swear half of the crowd will go dumb after this night.

             I take a deep breath and dive in ‘Now or Never’.

“Excuse me…excuse me!” I make my way quickly sliding between the gaps.

                Just then I feel a hand slap right on my face hitting my nose hard.

“Oww…!” I look up and it’s a big blondie still jumping oblivious of the fact that she just slapped me with all that fanning or fangirling whatever they call it. Any other day and you would expect me to just walk away pitying those girls but nuh..uh not today.

                  I quickly stand up straight and,

“BITCH!!!!” I scream at her face. So loud, she is bound to look at me. Her maybe brown eyes shoot open wide and she stands still. I give her a quick wink and return to my mission ‘Mission- Escape the Sucky Concert!’

                 I somehow squeeze myself out of the crowd and infront of me is the metal handle and the neon red exit sign. I quickly grab hold of it and stand up on the platform.

“Good Night!! Bitches!!” I turn around and scream. But I am not too sure anyone heard that as they were too busy starring at an empty stage waiting for their so-called idol to come on stage. I can’t help rolling my eyes as I push the metal handle and move in the wide yellow lit hall.

                I take a deep breath as I stable myself. I put my almost ripped vines t-shirt in order. Its my baby!  Sort my red strands in order. They can go crazy at times.

              Okay, now where was I before the mission. Oh yes! To kill Rake. But let me introduce myself before talking about Rake. I am Val short for Valerie Isabel Hudgens. I am 20 (yes I am hot..20 is a hot year). I am an American but had to shift to Britain when I was 12.

            Getting back to Rake, 40 pounds yes that ticket cost me 40 pounds. Even if I am pretty pissed at Rake now I know I can’t stay too angry at him for long. He is my best friend roomie. I take out my phone to call him again and expel all the anger left in me. Actually sometimes I just do it for fun. He is always so scared as if I am going to bite his head off. Maybe I will someday. But anyway getting to the point. I flip open my cell phone and the main screen is filled with a bunch of messages. I open one and its from Rake and all my anger automatically goes down the drain. He sent me a picture of him leaning his head down with a bubble over his head saying ‘I am sorry..sob sob!!’

Another one,

He is lying flat on the floor with another bubble over his head ‘Don’t kill me! Val!!’ He is such a kid! I switch to the main screen and dial his number. I can’t stay mad at him.


“Hey Val… I am sooooooo..... sorry..”

“Its alright…!!” I say smiling,

“Really…” he almost squeals like those fangirls,

“Yeah..really Rake!!” I squeal back,

“Val…even Deckie started calling me…Rake..can you stop it now..”

“Whats wrong with Deckie calling you Rake…Rake sounds cooler, Rick sounds like Dick!!!” I smile making my point and I know he just lost. So its not actually Rake his real name is Rick Preston. But after we became friends it turned to Rake and he curses me because in his words it sounds like some stupid American name which I completely disagree. Deckie on the other hand is his boyfriend. Its another name I made up. Deckie’s actual name is Declan Donovan. But Deckie sounds cute and its short so hell yeah! Deckie. Deckie pretends to be my dad even if he is just 21 which I am shortly going to become.

Shit Rake!!

“Hello..” I call out. I check my screen and accidentally I press the end button. I fiddle with the phone trying to dial his number again while moving forward. The klutz that I am trip over my shoes

“Woah!!” I try to grab hold of something but my leg twists. Perfect!!

               Just then I feel someone grabbing me just a foot away from ground as I peek open my eyes to see who it is I see two blackish green orbs starring back at me. He looked frazzled huffing but the corners of his mouth were bent as if to give a smile. His blonde hair were falling over his eyes as he took a deep breath. Woah!!! Too much description phase out. I quickly get on my feet murmuring a slight thank you.

“My pleasure! Bye beautiful!” So lame! He smirks wider and again speeds up running in the other direction as if he is trying to save himself from someone. I hear some screams from far away.               

             I turn around to my direction and start pacing looking either sides searching for a door to escape. I take a turn round the hall and there are a few hundred posters of a guy. I would have just walked past them but they kind of looked familiar. I move closer to get a better view. And Holy cow! It is the same guy who saved me. Wait I am in his concert.

“Whats wrong with you Val?…Go Home!” I wonder aloud.

      I again turn around as I hear the previous screams nearing. Oh No!!! A FANGIRL’S STAMPEDE. That can only mean D-E-A-D. I am just twenty I don’t want to die so soon. I turn my heels around but I am too late I get knocked out by the first girl.

“Owww…!!” Nope they don’t care. They just leap over me some even stomped on me. They don’t even help me get up as they run behind that guy what was in his name again? Julie- no Julian yeah!

                I help myself up patting myself to get rid of the dirt. My poor baby ‘Vine’. I look up. Not again!

                Another group of girls are running in my direction. I quickly place my hand up palming them to stop,


          I scream and they actually stop. I feel like a ring master as I quickly move away from my position clearing the way,

“Now move.” I motion them and they catch up the pace again.

                              STUPID FANGIRLS!!!!

 And on second thought I am not forgiving Rake!



First chapter uploaded!!!! Yaya!!! 

Please tell me if it sucks...or if something isn't good or dosn't make sense. No hard feelings it will just motivate me to write better. So I can't wait to read your comments. I am practically jumping on my bed. (Yes I actually am.) Its just an introductory chapter. Next is coming this summer!!! But Please vote and comment. 


Much Love...xoxox

Bharbi xXx

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