20th of February

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For everyone who didn't see my message on my message board: the deadline is moved to the 20th of February. All stories submitted until today (2/2/2021) are accepted if they have 5 chapters (a/n and introduction not included, prologues are included). I want you to publish the title of your books here in the comments (can be one message for multiple books) if you are still competing. I will tag you all once if you don't reply before February the 12th, you're out. Sorry, but there are too many administrative problems for me otherwise.

Each judge gets around 6-9 books to judge in 2 weeks. I know it's a lot, but we only have 6 judges on around 45 entries... If you have any problems with that, let me know! I know how it is with school rn and the whole COVID-19 situation, I've had struggles myself too. Maybe we can split up your part or something :)

Lastly, thank you all for your patience with me! As I said, I've had a hard month but I'm back!

HARRY POTTER FANFICTION AWARDS ⚡️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat