t e n || cookies and flowers

Start from the beginning

"Oh yea, I um left and got some of these from Professor Sprout and this from the kitchen" George motioned to the flowers and then the plate of cookies he held. Astrid smiled wide before she leaned forward and pecked the boys cheek. As soon as her lips touched his face a warm feeling rushed over him, causing his hands to be shaky and his eyes to widen. As soon as she pulled away, the place on his cheek felt cold and bare. The moment was too short lived.

"Thank you George. It's really kind of you" she said, taking the flowers into her hands and admiring them. George placed the plate down beside her before leaning back against the head of the bed beside her and smiling as she began carrying on a conversation with him.

Hours had went by and she had been visited by Sailor, Casey, Remus, and Fred. George had never left her side, spending the whole day with the girl, keeping her company. As soon as Remus walked in the room and saw the boy sitting so close to his goddaughter he instantly turned protective and angry. This feeling left as he saw how bright and happy the girl appeared as she giggled at the boys jokes and stories. Casey and Sailor had swooned over how cute the two were and Fred had just made it awkward, asking when the wedding would be and when they first realized they were meant to be. Astrid saw it as funny and laughed along with it but George blushed deeply, turning shy. Late that afternoon Astrid was released from the hospital. She walked with George down the hall, clutching the flowers in her hands. George carried the empty plate that once held 12 cookies. They had eaten every single one in just a few hours time.

"Hey um I need to speak to Remus quickly" Astrid said, stopping as they approached the mans office and classroom. "I'll see you at dinner?"

"Yea of course" George said with a smile before turning to walk way. Astrid grabbed his wrist, turning the boy towards her and wrapping her arms around his neck. She pulled away and flashed him a smile.

"Thank you Georgie" she said and he groaned at the nickname before softly laughing.

"For what?" he questioned.

"Staying with me all day and bringing me these things, it means a lot" she said.

"Are you sure you're a Slytherin?" George questioned with a laugh.

"Oh you just haven't been on my bad side yet" Astrid stated. "That's when it shows."

"Well hopefully I don't get on that side anytime soon.... or ever."

Astrid giggled before the two parted ways. She walked into her godfathers class hearing him shuffling around. She walked to his desk where he was stood putting things in his trunk, Harry standing beside him. He had sent George away to his brother when he visited the hospital and explained to Astrid that he would be resigning. At first she couldn't believe it but she knew it was what was best for him. People wouldn't approve of a werewolf teaching their children. Not everyone was accepting.

Remus was handing Harry The Marauders Map back, saying he 'no longer needed to keep it since he wasn't a teacher anymore.' Astrid smiled to the man and he walked over pulling the young girl into a hug.

"I figured I would just say bye, I don't want you to leave without hearing that, kind of sick of no goodbyes" she said with a laugh. He kissed her head and laughed as well.

"I will see you when you come home" he said and she nodded knowing that since her dad was still on the run he would need to be in hiding, she would be living with Remus still. As much as she wanted her father back she didn't quite mind living with Remus. She actually didn't mind at all.

"Now to you Harry, I will be saying goodbye for now" Remus said turning to the boy. "I am sure that we will be meeting again sometime but until then, Mischief Managed."


Astrid and Harry walked side by side into the great hall where students were sitting around chatting with their friends as it was a weekend. Astrid had just stopped by her dorm and changed whilst Harry had walked with Remus to the exit of the castle. The pair ran into each other in the halls again and walked together to see their friends.

"Harry where did you get it?" Neville asked running up to the boy.

"Can I have a go Harry? After you of course!" Seamus said anxiously.

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked the question that was in Astrid's head.

"Quiet" Ron said quickly. "Let him through, I didn't mean to open it Harry, It was badly wrapped and... they made me do it!"

Ron pointed to the twins across the table who looked completely shocked.

"Did not!" they shouted in unison and Astrid giggled.

"It's a firebolt" Seamus began. "Fastest broom in the world."

Astrid patted Harry's back, he was truly deserving of this. He smiled to her before picking it up.

"Who sent it?" he asked.

"No one knows" Ron answered quickly.

"This came with it" Hermione added holding up a large feather, Buckbeak's. Astrid smiled to herself. "And this is for you Astrid."

"From who?" she questioned, taking the small box from Hermione's hand. Hermione raised her eyebrows and Astrid knew it was her father. She opened the box and smiled, picking up the green Serpentine crystal necklace from the box. It had a silver snake, wrapped around the prism shaped crystal.

"Serpentine?" Hermione questioned. "It's beautiful."

"Serpentine is known to create an energetic and protective shield around the body" Astrid said softly her eyes met Hermione's and she leaned down.

"I begged my father for this necklace when I was younger but my mother said it was too expensive and wouldn't allow him to buy it" Astrid whispered before standing back straight. She slid the necklace over her head with a smile.

"Let's see you ride that broom" Ron said turning to Harry. The group took off across the room towards the doors. George motioned for her to come and she smiled, taking off after the boy. They reached the courtyard and she tried to see over the group of kids but being as she was so short, she had to keep hopping to look over. Fred and George noticed and looked to each other. Fred picked the short girl up, placing her on George's back and she smiled, resting her chin on his shoulder. The young boy took off through the sky with a yell before he suddenly started laughing and cheering. Astrid smiled to herself and sighed in contempt , wrapping her arms around George's neck loosely. She had found her friends, her people, her family. The longer she was here, the less alone she became. Hogwarts was her home.

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