t w o || house ceremony

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   Astrid waited in line with all of the first years as they were called in to what was known as the great hall

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Astrid waited in line with all of the first years as they were called in to what was known as the great hall. She picked at her fingers once more in nervousness. The headmaster named Dumbledore proceeded to call her name first. As soon as her name was said students gasped and began whispering. She looked to Remus whose jaw was clenched before he spotted her and sent her a nod and smile.

"We will be starting with our new fifth year student with great academic success transferred from Ilvermorny" Dumbledore began as Astrid slowly made her way up to him. He placed his hand on her shoulder softly. "I hope that no matter where she is placed, you will be welcoming to her. You will learn you cannot judge one based on their families pasts. You must give everyone an equal chance to prove themselves, as she has already done once on the train, saving Mr. Potter."

He seemed like he was trying to calm the whispers and give the young girl a chance, but she was in doubt that would work. He led her to a chair and a rugged brown hat was placed on her head. She could feel it's power coursing through her as she nervously looked around.

"Another Stellar" the hat began. "Well this is indeed difficult. You are brave and daring, but no no not Gryffindor. You have traits of almost every house. Friendly like a Hufflepuff and as a wise as a Ravenclaw. Oh yes, you are cunning, very ambitious, accomplished, and hmmm yes determined. You have a strong thirst to prove yourself."

She gripped the chair tightly awaiting her house, hoping one of her new friends would be in it.

"Slytherin!" the hat exclaimed and surprisingly the table erupted into cheers. She saw the Gryffindor table look almost relieved before she spotted the red haired boy and the girl from the train send her a small smile. Remus must have done a well job of talking to them, except for the boy she saved who sent her icy glares. She quickly realized this was Harry Potter. The son of the two her father and Sirius were accused of killing. She understood but still felt a little hostile as she did save him.

She stood from the chair seeing Casey waving her over and moving so Astrid could take a seat beside her. Once she sat down Casey engulfed her in a hug.

"I'm so happy you're in my house" she exclaimed. "Plus one of the fifth years moved last year so we have an empty bed in our dorm I'm sure you'll be filling!"

Astrid smiled brightly as she turned and they watched the first years eagerly get sorted into their houses. After that was finished Dumbledore stepped back up to his pedestal.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts" he began with a smile. "I have a few words before we begin our feast. First I would like to introduce Mr. R.J Lupin who has kindly consented to fill the post of defense against the dark arts teacher. Good luck professor!"

Astrid broke into a bright smile as he stood and she cheered loudly as he caught her gaze. Casey joined in as he blushed and sat back down.

"Potter" she heard from beside her after the cheering died down. She looked to see a young boy with platinum hair facing the Gryffindor table, speaking to the young boy with glasses.

"Is it true you fainted?" he asked as his friend mocked Harry and he laughed. "Like actually fainted?"

Astrid scrunched her nose in discontent as Casey rolled her eyes at the boy.

"Stop" Casey said to him huffing.

"Shove off Malfoy" the red haired boy said in disgust grabbing Harry and turning him back towards their table.

"Those are the ones who make us look bad" Casey said motioning to the boy beside Astrid.

"Well I don't think it'll be me making us look bad now will it?" the boy questioned looking to Astrid.

"Don't give him your time" Casey said grabbing Astrid's arm as she gritted her teeth.

"Doesn't seem like the weasel deserves my time" Astrid huffed before turning to Casey who nodded. Dumbledore introduced another new professor known as Hagrid and everyone clapped once more, Harry and his friends especially. Astrid felt eyes burning the back of her head so she looked beside the one red head boy and spotted two more red head twins. One was staring but quickly turned back to Dumbledore as soon as their eyes met. Casey smiled at Astrid noticing the red that had taken over the girls cheeks.

"That's Fred and George Weasley" Casey whispered as Astrid looked at the twins.

"Their brother is Ron, friends with Harry. George had his eye on you." she said with a smirk.

"Probably for no other reason than my last name" Astrid said with a small frown before turning back to the headmaster who spoke once again.

"Hogwarts will also be host to dementors from Azkaban this year. This will be until Tate Stellar and Sirius Black are captured" he said before everyones eyes turned to Astrid once more. Confusion and disbelief crossed her face. She knew Sirius had escaped but hadn't known her own father had. She looked to Remus who frowned to her as she glared. Why didn't he tell her?

"The dementors will be stationed at every entrance of the grounds" Dumbledore continued. "And whilst I am sure that their presence will not disrupt our day to day activities, a word of caution. Dementors are very vicious creatures and will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way. Therefore I must warn each and every one of you, give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. But you do know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light."

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