Meeting him.

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I'm standing in line, waiting. I have been standing in the line for five hours, and finally, I'm  near the front. I'm the last person waiting to meet Ruel Van Dijk, an Australian singer/Songwriter. I've  been following him religiously since 'don't tell me' came out, but haven't been able to go to any of his concerts. Finally I could get a ticket for his concert, and then a crew member said that they had a spare meet and greet ticket, and they were giving it to me.  They had a camera, so I assumed that it was for Ruel's tour diaries. I think I reacted pretty chill about it. Finally the person before me, a guy about 17-ish walked through, and I laughed as you heard him instantly start screaming and crying about always wishing for this moment, and how he loves him. After a he calmed down, it was about 5 minutes before I was allowed to go in. I smiled at the man holding back the curtain, and step through. I kept my gaze down, but looked up after a moment. The first thing I noticed was how tall he actually was. Then I realised that I wasn't  actually looking at him, so  I turned my  gaze to his eyes, which were piercing into mine. He wasn't smiling, which was confusing. his mouth slightly parted, and he had a look of confusion on his face, which looked really good on him. He slowly closed his mouth and swallowed. "Hey there," he said softly. "Hey Ruel. How've you been?" I say knowing he likes it when his fans make an effort to try to talk to him and have a conversation that isn't all about him. "I've been pretty good, how have you been?" He responded, finally smiling a little. "I'm pretty good." He kept looking me up and Down, I'm guessing because of my outfit, as it wasn't the crop tops and short skirts that most girls were wearing. My outfit was basic, a plain white singlet, underneath a black jumpsuit type thing, which had rips at the knees. My shoes were bright purple vans, and my  hair was naturally wavy, and went down past my  waist. I had a golden brown hair colour, hazel eyes, a small amount of freckles across my  face, and had full lips. I realised that you hadn't moved forwards from the doorway. As I walk  forwards, his eyes looked down towards me and I had to look up to keep staring at his beautiful eyes. God he was tall. 6'5, and I'm only 5'3. He Smiled. "You're not rushing to give me a hug?" He says smiling down. "Nah, I'd rather look at the view," I say laughing. He closes the space between us and hugs me. Not just a normal hug, he lifts me up as though I weigh nothing, places me on the table he was leaning against before he stood up fully, and hugs me. I slowly wrap my arms around his waist and hug him back. He pulls back slightly after a moment, letting his arms drop to my  waist. "What's your name?" I tell him, and he thinks about it, and then says it again softly. "Y/n." I shivered at the way he said it, and and Ruel looks at me. "Are you cold? Do you want me to get you a hoodie or something?" I smile and shake my head, unable to find a way to explain that his voice was doing funny things to my stomach. He smiles at me and I look at his lips, before looking up at his eyes, hoping he didn't notice. He raises an eyebrow, and bites his lip, before letting it go slowly. My  face flushes, and he laughs. As he continued to ask questions about my life, and we got to know each other a little better, I looked up at him, realising that I've  been there with him for longer than what anyone else was. "How long am I supposed to have with you? I think we've gone over." I said panicking slightly that I've thrown him off of his schedule. "Hey, relax. I have half an hour before I need to be anywhere." Ruel says, somehow knowing that I was panicking." I  release the breath that I was holding and smiled. "Okay then." He looks at me,  suddenly deciding something. "Come with me." He lifts me off of the table, runs towards the side door. I said "where are we going?" As he runs to a door that has Coco's name, Ruel's older sister, on the outside of it. He bursts into the room, and says in a rush  "Coco I'm going out, just tell them I've gone to clear my head." He leaves without waiting for a response, and he pulls me towards the costumes room. "Here put this on." He hands me a bucket hat that says Ooft  on it, and he grabs a hoodie and pulls it over his head. He puts a cap on over the top of his hair, grabbbed my  hand again and runs out of the side door, out on the side walk, behind the building he'll be performing at in 3 hours time. We continue running, until we ended up at a park, with a massive water feature. He looks at me, as I  pull my hair back from my  face and laugh breathily. I turn to say something to him, but stop, looking at him, my smile fading away, because he's looking at me intensely. I look at him, and he steps towards me, lifting me  up, and puts my legs around his hips. He looks at me, asking with his eyes, and and I nod. Lowering his eyes to my lips, he Leans in and gently brushes his lips against mine. As he kisses me, electric sparks fly, and you wonder if he can feel it, or if it's just me, before the thought fades away, and I  allow myself to melt into the kiss.

Word count:1011

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