"The tap is broken at the moment," Lisa said in a stage-whisper. "I'm sorry, I should've told you. Here, let me get that for you," taking up the glass Jennie had left on the side and filling it for her. "Is that okay?"

"That's- that's great, thanks Lisa. I'm really sorry if I woke you up," Jennie said as she took the glass from Lisa.

"No, no, I was awake anyway. It turns out that the sofa isn't that comfortable to sleep on," Lisa replied, then immediately wished she hadn't said anything as a guilty look lodged itself on Jennie's face. Cutting across Jennie as she was about to speak, Lisa continued, "and that hoody is soaking. I'll show you where I keep them, so you can just get another one to change into."

She headed up the stairs, leaving a bemused Jennie to follow her. As she entered her bedroom, she was surprised to see the bedside lamp was on with more than one book on the nightstand. Jennie had clearly finished the one from the bath earlier, and pulled a few off Lisa's shelves before deciding on... what was that... a biography of Audrey Hepburn?

Jennie sidled into the room behind her. "I haven't been sleeping either," Jennie supplied in a tired voice. "I only got back from Romania two days ago and I'm still jetlagged. It's-" she looked at her watch, "10:30 in the morning there at the moment. I nearly fell asleep in the bath earlier, and I feel quite tired now actually, but I've been reading for the past few hours."

Lisa nodded. "I've never been more than a couple of timezones away from home, so I've never experienced jetlag the way other people do," she said, as she moved towards her closet and opening the door. As she looked through her clothes, she tossed a glance at Jennie over her shoulder. "Do you want another hoody or do you want a t-shirt or something? It gets kind of warm in here."

"Oh, a t-shirt and some... shorts like you've got on I guess, would be great. Thanks Lisa," Jennie replied quietly.

Lisa looked down at herself and her tiny shorts covered in unicorns and her clashing orange tank top before sighing. What a great impression I'm making, she thought to herself. She searched her drawers until she came up with a similar pair of sleep shorts, this time covered in tiny cartoon puppy faces and a t-shirt that proclaimed that she was the one who had killed Jenny Schecter. She handed them both to Jennie, who took them silently before looking back up at Lisa.

"Um... could you turn around for a sec?" she asked.

"Oh! Sure," Lisa said, jumping and facing her closet with a hand over her eyes. She heard the wet thud of the hoody on the floor and the shifting of clothes as Jennie dressed herself, and finally the rustle of the duvet as Jennie climbed back into bed. "Okay now?" she asked, and turned back around at Jennie's noise of affirmation. Jennie had one arm behind her head, the covers pulled all the way up, and she was looking at Lisa with an amused expression and sleepy eyes. "What?"

"Lisa. I heard you say the sofa wasn't very comfortable. Just get into bed. It's big enough for both of us anyway," Jennie said, her voice wavering only slightly before she let out a cracking yawn. Lisa hesitated, and Jennie huffed before flipping the other side of the duvet down. "Come on, Lisa. We should both get some sleep, and I don't bite."

Lisa swallowed. "Are you sure?" she said, twisting her fingers together.

"Well. I don't bite much," Jennie said, a sultry tone creeping into her voice, and she laughed at the look on Lisa's face as the joke registered. "It is your bed. I'd rather you got some sleep than lie awake on the sofa all night." Jennie cleared the bed of the books, piling them up neatly on the nightstand, her dark hair hiding her face.

Lisa took the opportunity to edge towards the bed, indecision rampant in her mind. She was tired, and she knew she would sleep better in her own bed. The problem was, her own bed had a very beautiful and sleepy Jennie Kim in it. Her bed. Jennie. "Are you really very sure?"

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