Wall o' Flesh

13 2 1

[Aussie accidentally drops the Guide Voodoo Doll]

The Gang: OH SHIT

WoF: *Roaring in hunger*

Alisha: Let's do this!

Aussie: Yeah!

Stella: -w-' Corroslimes.

Luna: EEEE-

Delta: This is easy. Halibut Cannon.

Madden: haha eldritch tome go brrr

Alex: Uh... Crimslimes!

Ari: *stealth activated*

WoF: *damaged*

All: Oh no... the WoF is getting faster!

[WoF gets destroyed by the players]

The Gang: We did it, Bois. WoF is no more.

Loot: Pwnhammer, Firecracker, Healing Potions.

The Gang: Welp, This is not a lot to work with, but ok.

[The Players kill EoC again]

The Gang: Woo, Badger's Hat! Wait... Who will wear it? 

Delta: I will. It suits me a lot!

Town NPC's: *talking intensifies*

Players: Well, This is a great start to Hardmode. 

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