Weekend Whispers

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faceclaim book

The Basics:

This book is being made for mostly personal use on my own part but also for anyone looking for unique faceclaims instead of the same old ones we constantly see. It's important to involve diversity and include some light on more underrated actors.

I will be using gifs, in order for you to understand what the actor looks like and I will be putting down as much information as I can find and collect for each actor, including specific search words you can use in order to collect more gifs from Tumblr ( which is where I get all my gifs ).

I just wanted to write this all down so everyone can sort of get a jist of what I'm doing, and also if you have any requests for actors you would like to introduce or inform me of, I would be incredibly glad.

Weekend Whispers ! FaceclaimsWhere stories live. Discover now