I kept kicking and screaming but he just hit me.He undressed and forced mg legs open using pieces of glass to cut them or leave bite marks to point where blood would draw.

He pushed inside of me, I hate this so much.This is so fucking nasty and he was enjoying it moaned and kissing my legs telling me he was sorry.

"I don't want this I don't want this please I don't want this stop please"I pleaded but he grabbed my neck and kept thrusting.

"Oh my fucking god I'm cumming, shit you feel so fucking good"he moaned.

I'm so glad it ended fast

He pulled out and came.He got up and putting his clothes on as I softly cried curling up into a small ball.

He took his belt and headed towards the door."Get the fuck up Don't call me"he spoke leaning out.

Wasn't planning on it.

I just laid there as blood poured out from different parts of my body included my private area.

It was about 15 minutes later I heard voices.I haven't moved from my spot I just laid hear sobbing barely breathing .

"Kairi we're back and got chocolate"samy yelled.I didn't speak I couldn't,I unevenly breath as I sniff darting my eyes to the door.

"Kairi what the Fuck, what happened bubba why are you naked"Alvaro spoke walking towards me.

He observed the room."Are you okay, did he- did he do this to you your naked he touched you he did something to you don't tell me he"he spoke I watched as the happiness drained from his face.

I tried to speak but my breathing was so messed up I started hyperventilating.He pulled grabbed me pulling to him.

"Why have to take him to hospital"samy said."No no no no"I screamed."I can't go to a hospital don't take me to the hospital please"I pleaded.

"You are bleeding out, everywhere "Alvaro spoke as he rubbed my face.Samy was cleaning the room while on his phone.

"Mariano said roshaun is doctor you wouldn't mind him helping you"samy asked.

"Anything but the hospital"I trembled.Alvaro sat me up."Yes okay no hospital let's get you some help I'm so sorry we left you baby I am"he stated kissing my forehead.

I nodded, as he wiped my tears.They got me new clothes and got me dressed samy being the bigger one out of him and Alvaro carried me to the car and kept whispering sorries.

Its not neither of their fault it's mine I let it happen I'm just fucking useless when he comes to some things.


"He's gonna kill me because I told you guys"I blurted out."Kairi no he's not stop fucking worrying about him he's not touching you no more"he grunted rolling his eyes.

He knocked on the door and roshaun and Mariano were waiting."Come in hurry up send kairi in that room"Mariano spoke.

Roshaun grabbed my hand and led me into a room."I heard what happen and I'm deeply sorry, you are cut deep right here"he spoke.

"I-it's fine"I reassured him."Karma will get him I promise"roshaun smiled.I nodded.

𝐀𝐥𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯

We waited as kairi was getting help from roshaun."I can't believe at let that happen I'm the worst"I spoke pacing.

"You still have yet to tell me the full story"Alejandro groaned slouching in his chair.

I looked at him and started to shake my head.I sat beside him and told him the very very short version of the story.

"Hmm do you know is address or something"he asked.Mattia and Robert walked in ignoring and peeking into the room.

Robert must have seen it as his phone and bag dropped from his hand."what happened"he asked he sounded so heartbroken.

"Come here Robby"I said waving him over.He walked over and rubbed his hand and told him the jist of what's going on.

Mattia over heard and ale made a comment about doing something to him but Mattia was being rude and careless about it and made a slick comment.

They started arguing and Mattia left."You did not just make him leave what was that about anyway"I asked.

"Nothing just, he's about to calm himself down"Alejandro responded.I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder.

☁️ . . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ [chapter 3 ✓︎] ࿐

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