What if your lost?

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Here I lie wide awake, with a gaze in my eyes wondering and aching to know how am I here?

Gone are the days, where silence stared in my eyes and I never glared back. But I do now. Scars left begrudgingly are healing. I know myself a little better now. I ponder over the thoughts of what would I be without being torn apart. A time where I didn't know the sacrifice of an age old love.

Finding oneself after a difficult phase is tiring task. I keep waiting for a spell or a wand to be used for all the weight of the anchor to be lifted away but it can't. I truly slowly am learning that.

When walking on the past tread lightly my fellow friend for it's a great teacher of an unfunny spot.
You rise and find new paths paving way for newer mistakes.

Being in a uncertain environment led me too believe I am the product my past. Yes it's heart wrenching to forget and forgive and move to a newer path. But you may just find your way back to your spark.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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