Chapter 1 - Sophie POV

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  Living at Everglen is great. Everybody's really helpful and kind. We were able to get most of my bodyguards back together, except for Tarina and Queen Nubiti. Sandor, Bo, and Flori all came back to their stations to protect me, and I realized how much I missed them, and that I was probably never going to have freedom again.

  Transportation isn't very easy and theres a lot of things that I need to do just to go to the kitchen from my room. First off, My room is on the second floor which means I need to get up there somehow. Thankfully, Della and Alden said they were ok with getting a temporary elevator so I could go on each floor. they also installed a small ramp at their front door so it was easier for me to get inside the house. I also had a light push door for my room so it was easier to get in with my crutches.

  Biana acts like a big sister, even though we're the same age. She says she's always wanted a sister, and with Sophie living in Everglen its like it actually happened. She helps me get around from place to place when I'm not using my crutches and she likes to help me get dressed and do my makeup. I normally would try to get out of the makeup, and I rarely ever wear the outfits she picks out for me, but I still enjoy spending time with her, its almost like having a less annoying and more fashion version of Amy back. 

  Grady and Edaline like to spend a lot of time with me as well. We usually go on walks around Everglen, except I'm normally in my wheel chair and sometimes crutches, but on those walks I get to catch up on things I missed in the Healing Center. Like how Silveny would come by every so often to see if I had come home, or that the twins (Wynn and Luna) sometimes appeared in my room at Everglen, or how Iggy loved flying around Everglen and exploring the yard. Grady said that the council wanted to meet with me soon to discuss.

  The council. Both good and bad. Sure, they've helped when needed and made me a member of the nobility, but they also gave me an ability restricter, threatened to put us in Exile, and captured/broke Prentice's mind.

Team Valiant has come over once to see how I've been doing and to discuss what they had done while I was asleep. They said they talked to Queen Nubiti about anything they know about the Neverseen from underground. Queen Nubiti said see hasn't heard from the Neverseen in a long time. They decided that they'd send 2 or 3 spies near the Neverseen's bases and have them listen from underground and that they'd do weekly checkups to see what they've heard. We also decided to talk about how everyone's bee doing as well. It was weird bonding with Stina, but we both knew if we were going to work together on this team, we would need to put our differences aside.

  And then there was Fitz. Gosh, every time I think about him my heart does somersaults. He's probably the one who likes to spend the most time with me, and I think Biana gets annoyed from it sometimes but every time me and Fitz hold hands she starts fan girling. I can't do much so we'll go on walks or sit by the pond and just talk, and we've even wandered into the hall where we almost had our first kiss. Fitz has started calling it our 'spot', and even though every time I try to deny it, I secretly like the idea of us having a spot.

  Right now, me and Biana are sitting in my room because Biana keeps on insisting I decorate it this time. Right now, my walls are white and I don't have much stuff to hang up. She had the pictures Keefe drew for her and that was it.

"Oh come on Sophie! There's gotta be something you can do to decorate!

"Biana I barely have anything that can be used to decorate!

Biana started to think for a moment, then she looked at me with a bright smile.

"I guess we're going to have to change that then." 

"Huh?" I asked.

"We're going to go shopping! I know a bunch or really good stores that have items you can decorate with!" Biana exclaimed.

I smiled, knowing that Biana loved going shopping and that this was fun for her.

"I'll think about it. But I don't want to decorate to much, its still your house."

"Oh what ever. Your always welcomed here, it could be like your second house! I mean, I'm guessing I'll see you around a lot even after you move, considering..." Biana trailed off.

"Considering what?" I asked confused.

"That you and my brother are dating!" Biana said, her smile growing.

I blushed, and sat against my bed.

"I guess." I said.

Biana squealed, and came to sit next to me.

"So, how are thing with my brother? I wanna know everything!"

I laughed. Biana was having way to much fun with this.

"Things are going good. He's been really helpful and caring recently."

"Yeah yeah, so has everyone else. I want to know whats happening between you guys! Like, the stuff everyone else isn't doing." 

"Well, he has brought up the dance a few times." I said.

Biana squealed, again. "So what did he say? Did he ask you if your going? Did he ask you to the dance!"

"He just asked about my thoughts on it and if I had considered going yet."

"He needs to step up his game."


"What! I'm just saying, if he wants to go out with a girl he's going to have to try a little harder then that."

"Well, I like that he's not just jumping in right away without knowing my thoughts on it."

"I guess. So what did you say?"

"Say to what?"

Biana rolled her eyes. "To my brothers question! What did you say?"

"I told him I hadn't thought about it yet, and didn't know if I would be able to go or not."

"Sophie you have to go! Everyone in our school hasn't seen you for a long time! This could be a way to just have a good time and enjoy yourself!"

I sighed, not knowing what to do.

"But theres something else I need to do, and I want to do it as soon as possible."

Biana's smile wavered. "And whats that?"

"I want to wake up Keefe."

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