School day

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The next morning I woke up with a slight shake. My eyes opened and I saw the figure. It was fuzzy, but you could tell it was a female. As my eyes adjusted to the light in the room, I saw that it was one of the maids. It was Amilla. Amilla was a 16 year old girl. She was also my best friend. None of those people from school are my people. I got up and went to take a shower. After my shower and getting dressed, I brushed my teeth and hair and headed down stairs. I was greeted by the usual. An empty table. My mother and father are always away. The maids and butlers are more of a father and mother figure than my actual parents. After I ate my breakfast, I headed back upstairs. I grabbed my backpack and made sure that I shoved my dairy in my backpack. Now its time for school.

Dear dairy,

It's me, again... Its first period. It's already crappy. Olivia and Alyssa started arguing this morning. They give me a headache. The teacher asked what we wanted to be today and why. We had to write two full papers on the subject. I said I wanted to be a Vet. Because I love animals. I continue that until it was a full essay. I really wanted to answer dead. But NO ONE could know about that. Like I always say, its whatever.

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