Party Suprises

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In this AU, They are humanized. Marshal is still a vampire, and everyone is still the same, but cake is is just a human with cat ears and tail. And I'm making Gumball having a normal-ish skin tone. Just lightening the pigmented pink to a pastel pink. Ok, onto the story!

Prince Gumball had just gotten into his pajamas. Dark pink shorts with the tee shirt Marshal had given him a while back. Gumball had worn it everyday for bed. As he got under his pale pink covers, he felt someone's gaze on him.

"Hey Bubba." The low voice called.  Someone was at the window. The curtains blew as the wind came from the open window.
"What do you want Marshal?" Gumball sat up as he looked at his 'friend.' Marshal walked over to Gumball, his gaze locking onto Gumballs purple orbs.

"Calm down. Lumpy space prince is throwing a party in the woods, it's gonna be freaking NASTY. Care to join?" Marshall laughed. He was wearing his black and red flannelet which was unbuttoned, showing a black singlet. He wore his usual black jeans and sneakers.
"Why?" Gumball questioned. He didn't really like parties.

"Because why not? Please Bubba? If you get up now, you won't have to go in your pajamas." Without questioning it, Gumball got up and headed to his draws, taking out a pair of faded blue ripped jeans and a light pink hoodie, heading to the bathroom to change.

After he was done, he came out and put his black and white high top converse shoes and went over to Marshal, who just stared. Annoyed, Gumball glared.
"I'm done." Without a second thought, Marshal swept the pinkish boy off his feet and flew off.
"Marshal what the glob?!" Gumball put his head in crook of Marshals neck, scared of falling. Wrapping his hands around his neck and holding on tight.

"Calm down Gummy. Its not like your not used to it."
"Marshal. You dropped me last time into a lake. It was really cold too. I was sick for three days." Gumball said in a serious tone. Marshal just chuckled and continued flying.

Around ten minutes of complete silence, Gumball spoke.
"Why didn't you ask Fiona instead?" Gumball looked up at the pale boy, waiting for an answer.
"Well- um. She is with Flame Prince right now and I thought that you would be a good partner to go with." Marshal stated. It convinced Gumball a little. Just a little.
"Huh. I would of thought you would go to someone else before going to me. Its... nice." He mumble the last part, leaving Marshal puzzled.
"What was that last part?-"
"Nothing!" Gumball quickly said.

Marshal landed on the grass as he saw the mass of people at Lumpy space prince's party. Not being suprised though. Marshal grabbed gumballs hand and led him to a small group talking at a table.
"Marshal!" A couple of them chorused. By looking at them, most where vampires.
"Whose the bubblegum?" Someone scoffed. Marshal was about to say something but was cut off.
"Shove off. Its Prince Bubblegum to you." Gumball snapped. Marshal smirked at him and looked over to his defeated looking friend.

"Oh I'm sorry your highness. Want me to polish your shoes?"
"Wow. Good job! Your officially the dumbest vampire in the land of Aaa. Congratulations. Dumbass" Everyone just stared at Gumball. He was tired and hungry.

Gumballs POV
Why am I here again? Marshalls dumb friend had tried insulting me. But failed.
"Well excuse you! I will Make Your life a living hell Pinky!" I burst out laughing. He really thinks he can do that?
"I was kicked out to run a kingdom at fourteen, with no help. I was separated from my sister and I have ruled my kingdom for five years. I was abused mentally and physically and have no  support from my family. Try me. I dare you. I can guarantee that I can do a better job." I really don't have time for his bullshit.

"Uh- um. I-m sorry then." The dude said.

"B-Bubba?" Shoot! Marshal is still here.
"Whatever. Im Gumball, pleasure meeting most of you." I glare at the dude.
"Well. Um. The girl with blue hair is Charlotte. The cat lady with the blue bow is Carol. The boy with Navy blue hair is Blake and the guy you were arguing with is Keith." They all said hello, hi or just grunted.

After a while, we decided to just dance. Lumpy Space Prince then came up to me, clearly drunk, and started talking.
"Gum-ball. You gay right??" He asked, taking a swing of his red cup.
"Yeah, why?" I just stared.
"Than can you give me a blo-blowy?" I just stood there shocked. People stopped dancing to see what was going on. It went warily quiet as people stared.
"The f*ck?! Why would you say that to him?!" I heard Marshall call. Tears pricked at my eyes as I ran. I just- ran. As fast as my feet could carry me. I heard my name being called but payed no attention.

Marshal Lee's POV
God dammit! This was supposed to be fun! I slap Lumpy space prince in the face and knock him down.
"Burn in the Night'o sphere." I then fly after Gumball. He is fast. Oh glob.
"Gumball! Gumball!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I've gone pretty deep in the forest. I hear a quite sob from behind a tree. I land on the ground and walk slowly towards the sound.
"Gummy?" I see Bubba sitting with his knees to his chest, puffy red eyes, and clutching his stomach. He looked like a mess yet, he was still cute- no! This is serious. I shake my head and kneel down to him.
"Am I a freak?" He cried out. His voice cracking.
"No. And even if you were, you would be my freak." Shit. I've finally done it. Oh glob. Why did I say that?!

Out of nowhere, he just hugs me. Placing both his arms around my neck, head in the crook of my neck. We both fall to the ground.
"I-im sorry." Gumball tries to get up, but I stop him. I wrap my arms around him, feeling the warmth of his body on mine. He just sobs. Crying loudly. I pull him in closer, if that was even possible, and comfort him the best I can.
"Hey, it's ok Bubba. Its ok. I should of never taken you to the party. I know you don't like them but-"
"No. Im sorry. I shouldn't of ran off like that. Thank you for bringing me." He said sincerely. I kiss his forehead and begin to float. I start flying back to the Candy kingdom, holding the precious boy in my arms.

We arrive around fifteen minutes later. I place him on his balcony.
"He-hey Marshal?"
"Yes Bubba?" As  I was expecting an answer, I feel a soft pair of lips on mine. Gumball is kissing me. He is KISSING me. He is kissing ME. He stops and turns around.
"Sorry." He grumbles. I turn him back around and crash my lips against his. I hold his waist as he slowly melts into it. His hands find my hair and he puts one in my hair, the other on my neck. I pull away and stare into his gorgeous purple orbs. His eyes are still a bit puffy and his cheeks had tears on them. I place my hand to his cheek and wipe them away. Then slowly caress his cheek.

"C-can we kiss again?" I ask. He chuckles and nods his pretty pink head. I press my lips to his again as we sync together. He tasted of bubblegum and cupcakes. I usually don't like sweet things, but I'd taste this for eternity. Gumball starts to play with my hair as I kiss a little harder. A little gasp escapes his mouth as I slip my tongue in. Exploring every bit of it. I pull away to give him air then go in again. The moonlight radiated on us as we stand there on his balcony, making out.
I pull away and he starts puffing. I chuckle and place my for head against his.
"I don't regret taking you to the party anymore. If i knew it would end like this, I would of taken you a long time ago." He starts to giggle. Adorable.
"Thank you, Marshal Lee."
"Any time, Bubba."

Word count: 1437
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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