"I'm here, dude, it's gonna be okay."

Kaldur could feel Wally and Barbara's eyes on his back as he walked into the ship. The hatch closed and they walked down, the ship sinking into the waves.

This was when it got harder. It only got more dangerous from here.

"it went well," Artemis said, "all to plan."

"I know."

"then why are you so stressed?"

Kaldur let a breath of air out of his nose in what could have been a laugh if he'd had more energy.

"take a guess."

Artemis smiled, she rested a hand on his shoulder.

"we've got this."

Kaldur didn't turn or look at her, "it's not about that."

"then what's it about?"

Kaldur swallowed, "you didn't see Conner's face, or M'gann's."

Artemis' face dropped, "yeah."

Kaldur sighed and closed his eyes, dropping his head and letting his shoulders droop.

"we can do this, Kal, I promise you, it'll be fine."

Kaldur finally looked at her, finding only support in her expression. He tried for a smile, it didn't reach his eyes, and placed his hand on Artemis' where it rested on his shoulder.

The ship connected to his private spot in the submarine, where no one would know he'd gone or come.

He guided Artemis onto the ship.

"I've already sent word to everyone, they knew you'd be arriving."

"good, makes this less complicated," she said, "do I get a tour?"

"yes," he said, showing her down one hall, "but first maybe head to bed, or settle into your quarters, I'll show you around tomorrow. I have to have a call with my father."

Artemis made a face, Kaldur shared it.

They walked down another two halls and Kaldur once again realised his mistake. It was the exact same one he'd made before, he couldn't believe he hadn't learned his lesson.

They turned and found him standing there, this time not even pretending to be nonchalant and obviously waiting for them.

"and this is Renegade," Kaldur said, watching the man with a raised eyebrow.

Renegade stood from his leaning position against the wall, arms still crossed. He was wearing a mask with some casual gear- a term only a vigilante could use without realising the ridiculous-ness of it.

"Evening," he said, without any of the grandeur Kaldur had come to expect of him, nor any of the snark.

Artemis' expression remained cool and neutral, but she nodded a greeting and said, "Tigress."

"right, yeah, the boss man mentioned you'd be around."

Renegade levelled a cold look on Kaldur and he was almost shocked by it. he couldn't decipher why. It was almost as if there was once an open door in Renegade's expression and it had now been slammed shut and locked.

He then looked back at Artemis. Kaldur would say he looked curious if it weren't for the lack of emotion on his face.

"If you'll excuse me," Renegade began, as if he'd been interrupted, "I was about to make my way to the training room to work off my insomnia, I'll see you when we're planning to kill someone."

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