Chapter 1 - Breakout

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"How do you plea, Miss Alpharo?" The judge asked affirmatively.

The criminal shuffled her feet under the table, listening to the sounds of her metal chains clanking.

"Guilty, your Honor."

Judge lifted the gavel and smacked it on the other wooden pedestal. "Guilty. Sentenced to confinement at Arcana Penitentiary for 10 years. Court dismissed."

Her cell doors slammed shut, loudly, clanking shut. "You're free to roam the yard in 10." The guard said, walking away from her cell with a lazy composure; he looked entirely done with his job. Whispers, murmurs, and shouts came from every direction possible, prisoners were either hanging in their cells, or outside getting the correct amount of vitamin D to fulfill their life's purpose.

The most distinctive voice was an easily recognizable one. "Fuck.." They groaned. She approached the bars, staring across the hallway until she locked eyes with her partner in crime: Rocori Louvremont.

Rocori had messy, shoulder blade-length black hair and pale skin, creating a shadowed look over her eyes. Because of her dark surrounding aura, the typical bright orange dress code was cramping her style.

She grinned, wrapping her hands around the cold bars, watching her friend's emotions wash around like waves. "Oh don't give me that look. I have a huge headache and refuse to deal with that right now."

"Deal with what?" The grin grew sharper. "That! That smug fucking grin you carry." Roco protested, idly pointing a finger in her direction. "Timber I'm serious, give me a break." Timber frowned, slouching her shoulders.

She always imagined that Roco would get along well with English people, the way she talks reminds her of an 'American talking like a Brit'. "Fine, fine. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you better be." Rocori chuckled, walking backwards to sit on the ledge that played as a bed, resting her head against the wall. "What was your sentence?"

"10 years." Timber said.

"Huh, I got 9." She responded quietly. "We aren't actually gonna stay here for that long right?"

"No. Of course not. I'm gonna be in my thirties by that point, I'll be old." She grinned with her teeth, making her laugh. "Okay, okay. When do we get to roam?" Roco raised her arms, sniffing her pits. "I'd like to keep my hygiene in tact."

Timber wheezed a laugh, "Probably in 6-7 minutes, it's not like I'm counting." Roco nodded, or at least she thinks she nodded—it's dark in the cells and she doesn't exactly have the clearest view of her. "Sounds good," Silence crossed over, the continuous distinct sounds played over, "What went wrong in our robbery?"

"Hm? Oh," Timber paused, thinking about their incident. "I think we were rushing, and didn't think the whole setup through enough. We were a bit sloppier than usual."

"I agree, we were a bit sloppier than normal, but there wasn't any rush."

"We were calm about grabbing the cash but careless about the amount of wires they installed, even hidden ones or motion detectors. Like, ones that you had to be 'registered' to be ignored in. Ya know?"

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