You're a wizard, Potters.

Start from the beginning

"Are you a twin?" Fred finished.

"Nah, just less basic than you. "

That's when the friendship had begun.
In a wand shop, exchanging snarky remarks.


Alexa was getting ready for her 3rd year while Hagrid had taken Harry to Diagonal Alley for the first time, explaining whatever Alexa had missed out in her hours of ranting about how 'sick' hogwarts was.

She has definately earned herself a name there, over the last two years, that was for sure.
The slytherin pottter who was chill with everyone, was one. Also known as snarky, sarcastic, blunt, not to get on the bad side of and ,of course, the weasley duo's other half. They were the troublesome trio, despite their separate houses. Everyone liked Alexa, or Alex as she preferred, and knew of her mischief and sarcastic personality.
She was awfully good looking, too. Raven black hair that had a tint of red in the sunlight, peircing dark green eyes, milky skin, light freckles littering only her nose bridge and slight cheeks and defined figure.
She also played on the quidditch team as a beater like the twins, since she was extremely strong.
She was the base of many pranks along with Fred and George, never cared for rules and broke them as much a possible, fell asleep in most classes yet still managed to get decent scores, stood up to anyone who got in her way and always broke the tension with a sarcastic or inappropriate joke.
Just a warning, she was never the sympathetic type. It made her uncomfortable when people cried around her, she had no clue what to do other than and awkward head pat. She also was never one good at advice, she could instead offer a sarcastic remark or inappropriate comment.


After had being dropped off at KingsCross station, along with Harry, the elder Potter made her way to the wall where she would have to pass through to get to hogwarts station, platform 9 3/4. With Harry dragging along behind her, she spotted a familiar huddle of redheads.

"Yo, weaslebees!" she called, approaching the family.

They all turned to look at the girl they called family. She was the twins' bestfriend, an older sister to Ginny, a daughter to Molly and a friend to Charlie. She also had talked to Bill and Ron but Percy was another matter. They had an ever going rivalry.

"Alexa!" Molly called, engulfing her in a tight hug. "How have you been, sweetheart?"

"Been fine, molly but please call be Alex. I've already told you, the only people who call me Alexa are if I'm in trouble or if you're greasy haired professor snape who seems to always got something stuck up his arse."

"Sorry, sorry Alex! But none of that language here!"

"Right, right. GRED AND FORGE! twinny one and two, how are you? Hey, that rhymes," she said, noticing they twins beside her.

"Alex! Our other half!" They sung, tackling her in a bear hug.

"Ah, my other half's." She replied.

"You guys are so weird," Percy said, looking over.

"Ah, Perfect Prefect Percy. My least favourite weaslebee," Alex replied, walking over to him.

He just rolled his eyes in return.

"Hey, I got something for you!" She said, reaching into her old rucksack.

"You do?" He replied, questionably.

"Yes! Percy Pigs! Look, they resemble you AND have your name!" She said, holding up muggle sweets.

He scoffed, "they do not resemble me"

"Mhm sure, keep telling yourself that," she replied, taking one out to eat the sweets and shove the rest into the prefect's arms.

Percy however bit the half eaten Percy Pig candy out of her hand and ate it saying, "hm they are pretty good though."

"HEY!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. "You had a whole packet, why'd you eat mine!"

"Coz it's annoy you" he simply replied.

"Right out of the bite marks too, you really do resemble a pig," she said with an amused smile, titling her head as if she were studying him.


They went on and on bickering for a while as the family soon got bored of it.

"Are they always like this?" Harry asked, from beside Ron.

"Yep, they've got this on going feud" Fred replied. "Here, watch."


"WHAT?! oh you little-"

"See." Is all he said after.

"CHILDREN! settle." Molly said, suddenly causing them to stop and look at her. They were all scared of her, no doubt, even Alexa since she was basically another daughter to molly and molly was the mother she never had.

"How-" Harry started.

"We're all scared of her, we are," Ron said, alerting Alex of her brothers existence beside him.

"Oh, right! Harry c'mere" she said, pulling Harry over to her. "These are the Weasleys, they're like second family. This is molly, Arthur, Fred, George, ron and Ginny. Oh and Percy pig over here but you can just ignore him..." earning a scowl from Percy. "The other two are working but Ron is your age so, there kiss and friends!" She said, pushing him over to Ron.

The Weasleys laughed at this whilst Ron and Harry stood awkwardly and Alex smiled proudly.

"We better get you lot to the station before your train leaves!" Molly said, ushering the children forward.

"Right! Harry you good goin by yourself?" She said but not even giving him a chance to reply before saying, "great! Imma go with twinnies then." And joining arms with Fred and George who both did the same and grabbed their trollers with grins.

"Ok then" is all he said.

"Are you sure you'll all fit, darlings?" Molly asked.

"Sure!" The three of them replied in unison, before taking off into the wall.

"Alright then. Off we go."

The Slytherin Potter~fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now