9. Flames and nightmares

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    At one point I started shivering, not being able ignore the cold anymore. I closed my eyes wishing we'll get there soon, because I was really starting to feel like shit. I felt like I was going to pass out again.

   My limbs refused to cooperare anymore with my brain because of how weak I felt. God damn it! Six years of training and it did nothing! I want my money back from that damned gym!

   I hate feeling weak and helpless and that's exactly what I was right now. Fate really wasn't on my side today. I probably have hypothermia and like six other illnesses and problems I gathered up in one night. That must be a new record!

    Suddenly, I was flying again, only this time not 20 freaking feet in the air. I quickly hit the snow and looked behind me, where I saw a wendigo dragging the flamethrower guy away by his feet.

   I started screaming as he started blasting the thing with fire. The creature screamed and stumbled backwards, looking even angrier than before. We locked eyes and it quickly came after me.

   I tried crawling away, but it caught up to me with ease and took me in its claws. The stranger hit it with another blast of fire from behind, so it started running into the woods, bringing me along with it.

   Great! I'm going exploring with Dora! I sure hope she let's me see the light of day again!

    When we were far enough, it brought me up to its face and it seemed to be examining me. I noticed a butterfly on its skin.

    The wendigo looked around and started crawling toward a cliff. Is it gonna throw me off? Please, god, let it throw me off the cliff, not rip me to pieces like that man was saying!

   When we got closer to it, it jumped and we fell down into what seemed to be an abandoned mine.

    Even if I could struggle, which I couldn't, I don't think I would stand a chance to get free from the wendigo's grip. It was tighter than Josh's ties.

   It seemed to be looking around for something, when it noticed a hook.

     That's what really got my blood pumping.

    "No, NO! Let me go! I don't wanna be a hanged, delicious piece of meat for you! You probably won't even cook me properly!" I screamed with all my power.

   I watched as we got closer and closer to the hook, waiting for my death for the hundreth time this night. The point was about to impale me, before another wendigo knocked this one down. I got thrown somewhere against a wooden wall.

   As much as my head was spinning, I still managed to get up and run for my life. I went through room after room, door after door until I came to what seemed to be an elevator, although I wasn't sure. I pulled a lever and watched it come down. As soon as it hit the floor I collapsed into it and pulled the lever again, using up all my energy.

    I could still hear those two monsters fighting below me. I could barely even breathe anymore, but I had to keep strong in order to escape this alive.

   The elevator didn't bring me very far up, but it was at least some kind of progress. I pulled myself up and frantically started looking around, seeing a deteriorated bridge ahead of me.

    Great, now I have to watch my feet for real. I wish Josh would be here to lift me up again... I whined. I kept looking for another way, but I somehow knew there wasn't one.

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