3. A memory

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Memory hmm?
Actually, i have short term memory. I often forgot about everything thats why i like to write things i have to do or some important thing on my notepad.

Talking about memory.
There's a month, and everytime it comes, i became cranky, moody, and mellow.


11 tahun yang lalu, gw mengalami kecelakaan kendaraan bermotor. Dan mengalami trauma di kepala. 

Gw koma selama 3 hari. 

Hampir gak naik kelas karena ketinggalan materi pelajaran yang banyak, tapi berhasil naik kelas hohoho.

I'm fine now.
Severed from bad injuries yet still alive.

Terkadang masih sering sakit kepala, itu biasa lah ya. Beberapa efek samping yang akan menjadi penyakit langganan sampai meninggal nanti.

That was not a very good memory of mine, but i will keep that in my mind. Remembering i got another change to be a better person from God.

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