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You just finished packing all yours and Ayame's stuff as your Parents smiled at you. (Mother, Father, then Ayame)

 (Mother, Father, then Ayame)

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"We'll visit you in Japan once a month alright?" Your Mother says as you nod"Take care

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"We'll visit you in Japan once a month alright?" Your Mother says as you nod
"Take care. If there's any problems call me immediately" Your Father says as you nod
"I will" you say smiling as they smile
"My babies.." Your Mother says with tears as you giggle
"Well you get going you'll miss your flight" Your Father says as you nod

You got in the limo as it drove you and Ayame to the airport so you both get on your private plane and go to Japan. You sighed when you both arrived you carried her onto the plane while the pilot put your bags on the plane.

~Time Skip~

When you arrived in Japan you carried Ayame off the plane as many fans were holding signs and cheering for you. You smiled and waved before you were quickly walked through everyone. You took the small train back to the main airport as you made sure Ayame was still asleep. You went down the escalator as you immediately tried walking out but many people screamed your name and cheered. You just smiled and waved a bit as you carried Ayame out and into the waiting limo as it drove you away. You sighed as you soon arrived at you new house as you smiled at it.

 You sighed as you soon arrived at you new house as you smiled at it

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