Seeing both of you, Tom went in the back seat and Pia came and sat next to Haz while you sat behind with Tom.

Pia and Haz then kissed.

" eww guys get a room." Tom said trying to cover his eyes.

" i second that." You said putting your hands up.

" of course you will." Pia winked at you.

On the way to the mall, you told Tom, " i thought you were driving.

" i was but then seeing that you were coming, sitting behind was much better." He smirked.

You felt your cheeks had turned a deep shade of red.

" why do you flirt so easily? Do you do that to every girl?" You questioned.

" no darling, you are special." He winked.

You all then arrived at the mall and spent the rest of the afternoon shopping. Meaning, you and Pia shopped while Tom and Haz gave you their opinions and complimented you on your clothes, also carrying the shopping bags.

" you 2 make good bodyguards." Pia laughed looking at Haz and Tom with so many bags in their hands.

" babe, i am your boyfriend." Haz pouted.

" guys smile." You said to them and you managed to snap a picture of them.

" this is going on my instagram." You teased.

" Y/N no." Tom told you.

" TOM, yes." You winked.

Finally after shopping, all of you were sitting at McDonalds eating your food when you had the best idea!

" guys so this is the last weekend before school starts, so i have an amazing idea!" You said excitedly almost knocking off Tom's coke.

" geez love, chill!" He said almost jumping behind.

" so as i was saying, lets have a sleepover at my house. We can binge watch movies and do utter bs. Call Harry and Sam too." You said ignoring Tom.

" brilliant idea!" Haz said.

" i ll text Harry and Sam as we go home." Tom said.

" we need food!!" Pia screamed as everyone laughed.

After eating, you went to the supermarket and bought some food and cola and went home.

Once in the car, Tom texted Harry and Sam who at once agreed to come. Then wanting to annoy the boys, you posted the picture you had clicked.

 Then wanting to annoy the boys, you posted the picture you had clicked

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Y/N_RIVERS : Annoying them is my favourite hobby ❤😉

TOMHOLLAND2013 : Darling, you didnt! 😒 i mean i look hot i dont care.

Y/N RIVERS : OH yes Tommy i did. And no you dont look hot.

HAZOSTERFIELD : This shows nothing but the fact that you shopped more than Pia.

PIA_21 : my boyfriend is hot.

Y/N RIVERS : get a room guys ☺

All of you finally reached home and before long Sam and Harry had also arrived at your house.

" this is going to be so much fun." You said excitedly.

" i agree, cuz we have lots of food." Harry said which made everyone laugh.

" okay i have already ordered pizza. I am the best, aint i? Thank you." Sam said.

" all the Hollands are so full of themselves. I mean i guess Paddy is my favourite" You said to Pia.

" i am hurt. I thought i was your favourite." Tom said pouting.

Your pizza arrived and everyone ate and then decided to watch a movie.

" what are we watching?" Harrison asked.

" marvel." You and Tom spoke together, looking at each other.

" now you both are thinking alike. Wow." Pia said.

You then put on Iron Man 1 and you all bingewatched all 3 movies.

You and Tom were sitting on one side of the couch and Pia and Haz on the other while Harry and Sam on the floor. Obviously Pia and Haz were cuddling while you maintained some distance between you and Tom.

Finally you decided to go for it. You were at first hesitant but then you put your head on Tom's shoulder. He didnt say anything at first but looked at you and smiled. Seeing that smile melted your heart.

Finally the movie got over and you decided that you and Pia would sleep in your aunt's room, Haz and Tom in your room on the bed and Sam and Harry on the couch.  

Tom then got up for getting a sode from the fridge when Haz spoke, " mate could you grab me that slice of pizza?"

" get up and take it yourself with your two perfectly well functioning legs." Tom smiled.

You then realized your phone was dead so you told Tom, " Tom could you pass my charger from there, please?" 

" Sure love, wait a second." He replied and handed it to you.

"Awwwwwww." The others teased and cooed. 

Then Harry spoke up, " you know it is like that meme. Like if Haz tells Tom no then he will say yes.If i tell Tom no, he will say maybe but if Y/N tells him NO, he will listen to her and not do it. Exactly like that." He said and the others laughed.

" well you might have forgotten the fact that she is a girl and you all are guys. What can i do, i am a gentleman." He said shrugging.

After some time, You said from the couch, " m sooo tired to get up from here, help!!"

Before you knew what happened, you were gripped by two pairs of strong arms belonging to Tom and Harry.

" guys let me down!!" You squealed.

" you said you were tired and bored." Tom said shrugging.

" the hell guys let me down." You screamt.

" not so easily." Harry laughed.


" mate, she reached middle names now, let her down.'' Haz said.

" oh come on we wanted to help." Tom and Harry grumbled while putting you down.

You then went your separate ways and while going Tom whispered in your ear, " want me to carry you again, you tired?" He winked at you.

" anways, thank you for everything today, and all you did this week." You smiled at him.

" my pleasure, love. Anything for you." He said hugging you.

" ahem ahem." You heard and turned around to see Harry and Sam standing in the doorway.

" go to sleep boys, its late." Tom sternly glanced at them.

After everyone slept, you and Pia were the only ones awake.

" Tom is cute right? I mean." You suddenly asked Pia.

" definitely. Go for it." Pia said.

" oh no no i dont like him." You protested. " he is my bestfriend."

" whatever helps you sleep at night." Sje shrugged and sleep.

You too tried to sleep, clearly confused.

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