Ludwig stayed seated, his arms crossed as he glanced away. 

He WAS the murderer, and by sticking Junior with him, the youngest more at risk of getting killed if he happened to become Kooky. 

As these thoughts went through his mind, Lemmy took notice of his hesitation to join the group hug. 

“Come on Ludwig! We know you hate hugs...but can you please come join the group hug?” asked Lemmy innocently, smiling. 

Ludwig frowned. 

“I do not hate hugs” said Ludwig. 

Roy chuckled. 

“Prove it, maestro” said Roy, grinning. 

Ludwig scowled, glaring at the second largest Koopaling. 

“Fine” he muttered, getting up from his seat and walking over to them. 

Bowser chuckled, wrapping an arm around his eldest son in a tight hug, causing Ludwig to squick in fright. 

“See, I do not hate hugs” muttered Ludwig, rolling his eyes. 

Junior chuckled. 

“Yeah, we can see that” said the youngest Koopaling, having received a hug from Ludwig not too long ago when he thought everyone hated him for being annoying. 

Ludwig sighed in defeat, but couldn’t but smile a little as the Koopalings reassured their father with a group hug. 

Kamek suddenly burst into the planning room, looking out of breath after running from who knows where. 

Bowser scowled, glaring at the Magikoopa for interrupting the family moment they were having. 

“What is it Kamek? Can’t you see that you’ve interrupted a family bonding moment?” asked Bowser, letting go of his children and crossing his arms. 

Kamek was breathing hard, hunched over slightly. 

“Your highness...I apologize...but…” began Kamek, catching his breath. 

“Just get to the point” said Bowser, getting impatient and annoyed. 

Kamek nodded, managing to catch his breath. 

“Sir, me and Kammy were doing some investigating and asking some of the minions who had been patrolling the night before. One of the guards who was patrolling the castle from the night before had also patrolled last night” explained Kamek. 

Bowser rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as the Koopalings all went back to their respective seats. 

“Get to the point” growled Bowser. 

Kamek nodded, pushing his glasses up so they were resting on his beak properly. 

“W-Well, your turns out that one of the Hammer Bros who had been patrolling near the south wing of the castle had disappeared. There’s no sign of him anywhere. I fear the murderer might have gotten to them and disposed of the body properly this time” explained the Magikoopa, looking worried. 

The Koopalings all gasped, including Ludwig, the oldest Koopaling pretending to be shocked so nobody would suspect a thing. 

Bowser looked speechless, trying to process what Kamek had said. 

“Are you sure he’s not just asleep somewhere in the castle?” asked Bowser. 

Several Hammer Bros had the tendency to fall asleep while on patrol so late at night, so it would be understandable that one of them would decide to sleep in a broom closet. 

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