"Let's find out"
He said taking a deep breath


"all the time"


"who doesn't?"




"couple times"


"done it, but not my thing"


"I'm not a crackhead. I do simple type of drugs, I've never done meth, or crack or any thing like that bad"

"what about heroine?"

"Twice yea. but that's it"

"isn't that what you overdosed on?"

"yea, they said I was dead for a couple minute, my friend found me laying on my bed, foam coming out my mouth, he picked me up and I threw up on the ground, hospital made my mom put me in rehab"

"so your mom knows?"

"she didn't at the time, but I never really talk to my parents, she only did that so the police would leave her alone, she didn't even bother to pick me up from rehab after the summer"

"why do you do drugs anyway?, don't you want to remember the fun things"

"Fun", living a life like mine there's nothing "fun" I hear my mom and dad arguing 24/7, I hear the gunshots in my neighborhood, hear police sirens every night, glass shattering on the floor into a million tiny pieces, seeing bruises on me from my dad whenever I try blocking him from hitting my mom so he hits me instead. But I'm not telling him that, why would I tell someone about something like that?

"to feel empty. Calm. Relaxed, to feel free"

The bus stopped and I seen we were here, I got up and so did Mattia and we got off the bus

"alright, go use the bathroom and put it in bathroom that says "testing" that's where they check us, behind the toilet seat"

"what if I get caught?"

"you won't, they talk to other kids who need or get tested, just do it and meet me in the waiting room after your done"
He nodded and we both walked in

The security patted us down making sure I didn't have anything in me, like any weapons or drugs

Luckily or me I put the small bags I had in my bra

I walked to my parol officers desk while Mattia went into the bathroom

"hey Thomas. How you been?"

I had to act normal. Happy I guess, like I didn't just take molly in my school bathroom

Thomas-just sit down please

Y/n-I see someone isn't in the mood today

Thomas-I'm never in the mood to talk to kids who went to rehab

Y/n-so why'd you get this job exactly?

Thomas-stupidity. It's the usual gotta ask you questions and then see if your negative or not

Y/n-yea I know. This isn't the first time I came here

Thomas-ready? Let's begin. How are you feeling?

"good, normal"

"how have you been since rehab"


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