Part 4 - Intimidation

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Asami chuckled "Everyone else might listen to you, but you don't control me, avatar." She said as she took another shot.

Korra frowned as she looked at her friend, taking offense to what she had just said. What was that supposed to mean?
Why is she acting like this?

"Asami. I really think you need to-!" Korra stopped in her tracks as she looked up at her. What is she doing?

Asami had set her glass down and was now completely facing Korra, staring down at her inches away from her face. She had this look on her face, she was serious. She wasn't upset or angry just... serious.  Korra couldn't do anything but stare back up at the tall girl.

"I said, no. Korra. You don't get to disappear for 3 years and come back like everything is going to be your way." She said, not breaking their locked eyes. Korra stood there quietly and nervously, looking into the green of Asami's eyes, trying to figure out what to say without sounding like a complete idiot. She knew Asami was upset with her, but she couldn't help but just staring in silence. She's beautiful.

"You really need to learn your place."

Korra shook her head a bit, snapping away from asami's stare and she frowned "I didn't mean to be gone for so long! And what does that have to do with anything?! I'm trying to help you!"

"Maybe I don't want your help." Asami said as she turned away from her, waiting for the bartender to serve her another drink.

"What is your problem?!" Korra yelled, not understanding the stubborn drunk side of Asami.

"I don't have one. But you sure are causing a scene."

Korra was taking back by the way Asami was acting. She looked around her as she realized many of the others were now staring at them. Korra looked down and sighed in defeat, picking when to fight her battles are night "Fine. I'm turning in." She said as she walked away from Asami and the party as a whole.


A few hours past and Korra was now back in her room, changed into her pajama bottoms and a simple tank top. She walked over to her nightstand and sighed as she took off the necklace Asami had given her 'What was her deal?' She thought to herself as she stared down at the necklace.

"I guess I just screwed up again... somehow.." Korra mumbled to herself as she set the necklace down. She pulled back the sheets as she sat on the edge of the bed as Naga walked towards her, sensing trouble from Korra. She nuzzled up to her owner, causing a small smile form on the avatars face "it's just you and me girl.." Korra said softly as she pet the polar bear dogs head.

Not too long after, Naga had fallen asleep in the corner of the room while Korra laid in the bed. She was on her back with her arms behind her head, once again, letting her thoughts run and ruin her sleep. She laid in her bed completely still for the next few hours.

The second Korra was about the drift off to sleep, her door had been opened. The light from the hallway with the sound of the music from the party took over her room "Seriously?!" Korra snapped "What does a girl have to do to get some sleep around here?!" She said, sitting up quickly to see who was at her door. Korra froze in her skin as she stared "Asami..?"

Asami stared at Korra as she stumbled towards her bed. Her face was red and she looked lost, she was completely drunk now.

"Asami... how many more drinks did you have...?"

"Relax Korra..." She walked to the side of her bed "maybe... maybe... one or two.." She replied slowly, somehow managing to get her thoughts together as she sat down next to Korra

Deadliest Sins (Discontinued) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن