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The sun was now setting below the horizon,

and as it became dark, Jungkook's tired legs continued to walk onward. 

The young boy has always been afraid of the dark. The dark brought along the unknown, and not knowing whom could be lurking in the dark scared him. 

The street lights illuminated shadows everywhere, and as Jungkook kept up his pace, he noticed a figure creeping up from behind him. 

Engine rumbling, the car followed. 

Jungkook noticed the quiet but consistent rumbling of the old engine, which made him snap as he sprinted into the darkness of the empty buildings. 

Lungs burning, Jungkook continued to run forward as he cautiously kept his breathing quiet. 

Panic surged through him as he heard a car door shut aggressively. The young boys heavy breathing was loud, echoing through the alleyway as his body ached for a break.   

But no matter how fast jungkook ran, he still heard the loud footsteps gaining up on him. 

Jungkook gasped with relief as he found an open bar, full of people who smelled of sweat and alcohol. The drunk adults worried him, but at least he could blend in. 

Anxiety once again swept over him as he realized he didn't know who to look out for. 

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