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Chapter 2 – Unleashed

The next morning...

Dean woke to the sound of a door closing and a familiar voice. He blinked blearily around the room, sighting his little brother walking across the room to the table by the window, his phone pressed to his ear. He sighed and shut his eyes as his head pounded, which was the consequence of last night's post successful hunt celebration.

He lay there as he listened to Sam talking on the phone. "Yeah. Just send me over whatever details you have." It sounded like they had another hunt already.

"No, I'll get Dean up now and we'll head out as soon as we can." Dean groaned inwardly at the thought of having to move and drive anywhere right now.

"We got this, Bobby! But we'll call if we need anything." It sounded like Sam was trying to reassure Bobby that they could handle it, which means that it was a pretty serious case.

"Alright. Will do! Bye Bobby." He heard the beep of Sam ending the call, and there was shuffling coming closer to him.

"Dean." He startled as Sam's voice came from above him, surprised that his brother could sneak up on him like that. A heavy hand landed on his shoulder, shaking in gently.

"Sammyyyyy... What's going on?" He questioned huskily, opening one eye to look up at Sam.

"We need to go, Dean. Bobby has an urgent case for us." Sam replied hastily, before moving away. Dean opened the other eye, and watched as Sam picked up his bag for the floor and threw it on his bed.

"Dean! Get up! It's serious!" Sam snapped as he noticed that Dean hadn't moved at all.

"What? What's happened?!" Dean asked.

"One of Bobby's contact rang him this morning. Apparently he's responsible for keeping a high-level demon locked away in a sealed room in an abandoned house, and-" Sam started, but Dean interrupted him.

"Let me guess, someone opened the door and let it loose?"

"Yep..." The word popped on the 'p'.

"Son of a bitch." Dean cursed, pushing himself up and flinging his legs over the edge so his feet were planted on the floor. "Where to?"

"Los Angeles." Sam answered.

"Hollywood, huh? Alright, give me ten minutes to shower and pack up." Dean said as he stood.

"Hurry Dean." Sam's tone was almost a whine.

"Alright Sammy... Don't get your panties in a twist." Dean quipped back, sending a smirk Sam's way as he gave him his patented bitch face.


Thirty minutes later the brothers were on the road. Dean had stopped for breakfast despite Sam's moaning.

"Does Bobby know anything about this demon?" He asked Sam, glancing across the car to the younger man, who was scrolling through the information Bobby had sent to him on his mobile.

"Only that it possessed a man about 200 hundred years ago and killed his wife and daughter in the house. Bobby's sent over the address and also a contact number for the owner." Sam explained.

"So what's so bad about this demon? Two kills doesn't really scream big, scary demon." Dean commented.

"Bobby said he's waiting for his contact to send that information to him."

"Hmm... Tinsel town here we come!" Dean pressed down on the accelerator, enjoying how Baby purred below.


Unleased (Sam and Colby x Supernatural Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now