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Why was I suddenly so nervous?

Perhaps it was because I was about to deliberately disobey a powerful demon who could easily snap me like a wafer, or perhaps it was due to the fact that the last time I had climbed such steep stairs I had rolled back down like a fleshy pinball.

Nah, this is fine. Worst case scenario, I die.

Taking a deep breath, and taking one final look around to make sure nobody was nearby, I began to ascend. I was positive that I had heard something up there. Someone. There was no way I could just forget about it.

About halfway up, I took a break to lean against the bannister, already out of breath. Physical activity had never really been a strong suit of mine, and I cursed the fact that there were no elevators in the House of Lamentation.

"Maybe being smited by a demon would be more pleasant..." I muttered under my breath, groaning as I pushed myself to finish the unholy climb. There was a time limit, after all. Satan could only distract Lucifer for so long.

When I reached the top, it was safe to say I was wildly underwhelmed. It was just another room, exactly like the others. The only difference was that there were bars blocking the arched entrance from the stairwell.

"Who are you..?" The sound of another voice caused me to leap backwards, hand flying to clutch my chest so my heart wouldn't burst out and splatter the walls. A figure moved closer to the bars from the opposite side, his deep navy hair covering part of his face.

A...boy? Lucifer, you creepy son of a bitch...

"Uh...sup, my dude..?" Giving the captive guy an awkward wave, I shuffled just a little closer, my fight or flight instincts lagging. "I'm (Y/N), I, um, lowkey got kidnapped by demons for the year." There was something off about his momentary critical gaze, but I chose to stand and wait until his face eased into a small smile.

"It's nice to finally see another human. I've been up here for so long. I'm actually surprised you managed to find me..." He sounded relieved, sure, but I wasn't buying it. I knew I was typically dumber than a box of rocks, but I definitely knew that humans didn't have violet eyes.

"Sorry,'re totally a demon. I mean, your eyes, man. Human's don't get cool aesthetic shit like that unless they splurge on cosplay contacts." I pointed out, noting how, just for a moment, his face dropped.

" got me...Sorry, I just wasn't sure if you'd help me if you knew I was one of them..." The mysterious captive admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "Lucifer locked me up. I never even did anything wrong...I just didn't want to do the whole exchange thing..."

Wait a diddly darn fucking minute...

"You're Beel's twin! Bessie, or whatever your name is! Beefy? Bellemy?" Names really weren't my strong suit. Taken aback, and obviously a little annoyed by my blatant idiocy, the demon cleared his throat and moved closer to the barrier.

"Belphegor. So, Beel has mentioned me, has he? It's nice to know he misses me..." That was definitely the truth. I could see it written all over him, and I felt bad. Why would Lucifer lock him up? Was this one of his famous punishments I was always getting threatened with? If so, I wasn't exactly keen to experience it first hand.

"Yeah...he really does miss you. Damn, and you've been above him the whole time? Oh! I can go get him! He'd be so exci-"
"No!" I jumped when Belphegor shouted, again clutching my chest as I watched him come to the realisation of his reaction. "S..sorry, If Beel, or any of the others, found out about it...they'd lose it. You don't want to find out what happens when a demon loses it."

PLEONEXIA - Mammon x Reader x SatanWhere stories live. Discover now