" fred. you next. " she said to a ginger hair boy.

" his not fred , i am ! " a boy who was identical to the ginger hair boy said to his mother.

" honestly , woman. you call yourself our mother. " the boy said.

" ouh , sorry george. " she said before pointing towards the wall. the boy , whom i assume was george walked towards the wall.

" i'm only joking. i am fred. " he said before he rushed into the wall. he was then followed by his brother.

" excuse me. uh co-could you tell us- how to- " harry said to the lady.

" how to get onto the platform ? " she continued harry's sentence. we all nodded in response.
" not to worry , dears. it's ron's first time to Hogwarts as well. " she said as she gave us a smile.
" all you've got to do , is walk straight at the wall between platofrom 9 and 10. best to do a little bit of a run if you're nervous. " she continues.

" good luck. " the small girl said to harry before harry walks up to the wall.

he sprints into the wall , followed by ron and rowland.

" thank you for the help. " i smiled and gave a wave to the lady and the small girl. they both waved back before i walked through the wall.

i walked through the wall and found myself in another platform. i turned around the corner and found my brother waiting for me at the entrance of the train. i quickly went up to him and we started to place our trunks into the train and made our way to our seats. we walked past many compartments trying to find empty seats until we passed a compartment with ron and harry.

" hey. is it fine with you guys if my brother and i sit here ? " i asked the two boys. they both nodded and rowland and i sat down. the four of us started talking about what we did during the summer.

" anything of the trolley , dears ? " a woman pushing a trolley of candies and chocolates asked us.

" no thanks. i'm all set. " ron said to the woman as he gave a smile to her. rowland and i just shook our heads no as we didn't want to waste our money.

" we'll take the lot. " harry said as he grabbed the money out of his pocket. we started to dig into the candies and chocolates while ron talked about how his brother , george , swore he had eaten a bogie flavoured candy. ron had wanted to show us a spell which would turn his rat yellow.

" sun-" ron said before being cut off by a girl who had entered the compartment.

" has anyone seen a toad ? a boy named , neville lost one. " she asked.

" no " ron and i said in unison.

" how does he loose a toad ? " rowland asked.

" i have no idea." she replies to rowland.
" ouh , are you doing magic ? let's see then. " she continued as she had seen ron holding his wand towards his rat. ron clears his throats before saying some random spell.
" sunshine , daisies , butter mellow , turn this stupid fat rat yellow. " ron said while flicking his wand. it didn't work as all it did was removed the box of the rat.

" are you sure that is a real spell ? well , it's not very good , is it ? " she said with the 'as the matter of fact' look on her face. ron looked at us with a ' is she serious' look.
" of course , i've only used simple ones myself. but they've all worked for me. " she continues before she pulled out her wand at walked towards harry. she placed the wand in front of harry's face.
" for example. oculus , reparo " she said as the flicked her wand.

harry looked at his glasses in disbelief while ron stopped eating and was in shock.

" woah , that was cool " rowland said.

" that's better , isn't it ? " she asked.
" holy cricket ! you're harry potter ! i'm hermoine granger. " she continues before looking at ron.
" and the three of you are ? " she looks at the three of us.

" i'm rowland pierce. " my brother answered her question.
" riley pierce. we're twins. " i replied as i gave her a smile.

" nice to meet both of you ! " she says as she shakes both our hands.
" how about you ? i'm sure you have a name. " hermoine says to ron.

" uh , ron weasley. " he replies while chewing the candy in his mouth.

" pleasure " she replied in disgust.
" anyways , you four should change into your robes. i expect that we will be arriving soon. " she said as she got up and walked out of the compartment. before she walked away , she turned to look at ron.
" you got dirt on your nose by the way. did you know ? it's there. " she says before she finally left.

ron brought his hand up to his nose to try to get the dirt off. harry , rowland and i looked at each other and laughed at ron.

we all got into our robes and waited. i had fallen asleep and was woken up by rowland telling me that we had arrived at hogwarts. it was in the early evenings and we all alighted from the train. we had heard a man calling first year students and we walked towards him.

we then walked to the boats and got in. the boat ride took a while. i nearly fell asleep but was wide awake when i saw the silhouette of the beautiful castle. as we got closer , i could see how big it was. rowland and i looked at each other in shock at how huge the castle was. a smile then started to creep its way onto my face as i thought about how this will be my home for the upcoming seven years.

word count : 1572

draco's appleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora