002 ; i

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going to King's Cross Station -

" hurry up , riley ! the train leaves at 11am sharp ! " rowland shouted from the 1st floor.

" calm down , i'm coming ! " i shouted back.

i quickly grabbed all my stuff and started to walked downstairs. i had seen that rowland was already placing all his stuff in the trunk of the car so i quickly did the same. my mom started the car and we drove off to King's Cross Station. i was kind of nervous as it was the first year in Hogwarts and i barely know anyone there.

" hey , kids. i have to go to work as i have some last minute things to settle. are you alright with me just dropping you of at the entrance of the station ? i'm really sorry. " she said.

" it's fine , mom. " i replied. i was a little disappointed as it would be the last time seeing us before christmas as she couldn't even sent us off ? but i guess i understand her struggles , she doing her best to provide for the family.

" how about you , rowlland ? " she said with sympathy in her voice.

" yea , it's all good. " he said while looking down at his shoes. i could tell that he was hurt , but he did not want to show it.

around 15 minutes later , we arrived at the King's Cross Station. we exited the car and grabbed our trunk and our owls. mom exited the car and gave us a hug goodbye and told us to behave ourselves.

" take care , alright ? do not cause any trouble. make sure that you write me a letter every week. each of you. " she said while pointing to the both of us.

" tell me which house you got into , alright ? " she continued. we both nodded in response to her questions and gave her one last hug.

" i'm going to miss you , mom. " i told my mom.

" i'm going to miss you too , sweetheart. " she said as she gave me a kiss on my forehead.

my mom got into her car while rowland and i started to make our way to the platform. i looked at my ticket and it has said that we had to get onto platform 9 and 3/4.

" rowland , do you know where platform 9 and 3/4 is ? " i asked my brother. he looked at his ticket and looked up to look at the platform numbers.

" i have no idea. " he replied.

we started to walk around the station to find the platform we had to be on but we still could not find it. that was until i saw harry.

" wait , rowland. maybe harry knows. " i pulled his arm as he was walking. i pointed in harry's direction and we both started to walk towards him.

" hey harry ! do you know where this platform is ? " i said as i pointed to the ticket. he turned around and gave rowland and i a wave.

" hi riley. i have no idea. i asked that man and he said that i was playing a joke on him. " he replied. all of us sighed in response.

i heard a voice in the background talking about how the station was packed with muggles every year.

" muggles ? maybe we could ask the lady over there ? " harry said as she pointed to a lady with ginger hair. we started walking towards her and watched as she told her kids to go through the wall.

" alright , percy. you first. " she said before a boy with curly ginger hair walked through the wall.

holy freaking shit?!!??!? did he just walk through that wall ?? i rubbed my eyes to make sure i wasn't hallucinating.

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