14. Movie Night

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We finished unpacking my stuff into my new bedroom, which the girls had decorated while we were at my old appointment. I changed into some grey sweatpants and a black cropped top, throwing my hair into a ponytail and wiping any makeup off of my face, before walking down to the foyer, where Cyn, Mads and Ness were waiting. 
"You good to go?" Mads smiled and I nodded.
"Yeah, let's head." I smirked, walking over to her and wrapping my arm around her waist as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder. We walked up to Hype, entering the huge front door and walking into the living room. There were mattresses and pillows everywhere, fairy lights were strung from the ceiling and walls and on a table in the center of the room there were bowls of snacks and a couple tubes of face mask. "Guys. This is so cute." I pouted as the others smiled back at me.
"I did most of it!" Avani shouted as she ran over, giving me a hug.
"Well then thank you, Vani." I smiled back as she lead me over to the mattresses, one for each girl.
"Okay, I'm going to go cook the popcorn while you guys decide on the first movie." Vani instructed as she left the room and I turned to the rest of the girls.
"Has anyone seen any good ones lately?" Ness asked.
"Ooh, okay Shutter Island. It's got Leo and Mark Ruffalo, you know, like the Hulk. And it's like a total mind fuck until the end. It's so good." Dixie explained and I nodded.
"I'll watch anything as long as Leo's in it." I smirked and there was a slight chuckle coming from the doorway, glancing over my shoulder I saw Nick standing there, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed.
"Good to know." He smirked back at me, forcing the corners of my mouth to curve up into a small smile.
"And why's that Nick?" Mads asked, a sheepish grin on her lips.
"Wh.. What?" He asked, moving his attention away from me.
"Why is it good to know?" She asked again and Cynthia laughed.
"Yeah, are you trying to impress our girl here?" She chimed in, I felt my cheeks start heating up as I dug my head into my hands.
"Don't you go hurting her Nick!" Charli warned and I started laughing.
"Yeah or we'll hurt you. Isn't that right Dix?" Addison said, holding her hands up in fists.
"That's right." Dixie agreed and I lifted my head.
"Okay guys, leave him alone now." I smiled softly and they laughed.
"Yess girl defend your mans." Mads laughed, making me flip her off.
"Let's just start the movie." Vani instructed as she walked back in, holding three bowls of popcorn, "Hey Nick, there's another two in the kitchen, can you grab them for me?" 
"Only if I can watch with you guys." He contradicted and I laughed slightly.
"But it's a girls night. That means you'll have to do face masks and braid each others hair. And of course you'll have to watch sad rom-coms." I warned and he smirked.
"Ugh, fine. I'll do all that." He smirked, winking at me as he walked into the kitchen, returning in a couple of seconds with the bowls of popcorn. He placed one on the table before walking over to me, handing the other two me as he motioned for me to move forward so he could sit behind me. He placed one leg on either side of me as I pulled a blanket up to my waist, resting my head back against Nick's shoulder.
"Also, I made margaritaaasssss!" Addison yelled as she grabbed a plate full of red solo cups, handing them out to each of us. "I even made one extra so now Nick can have one."
"Thanks Addi!" I yelled out as she handed me mine.

Once Shutter Island had finished, Avani jumped up, grabbing the face mask and turning back to us all.
"Okay, face masks and Love, Rosie." She smirked and I felt Nick exhale.
"Oh boy." He whispered to himself, making me laugh as I glanced back at him.
"I tried to warn you." I whispered back as a small smile crawled on his face.
"Okay then, you've got to do mine for me." He smirked and I laughed.
"Deal... Does anyone have some pins to pin this guys hair back?" I asked to the group.
"Yeah, I do. Wait I'll grab them." Charli replied, running away from the living room, returning moments later with a bag full of bobby pins.
"Lovely, thanks Char." I smiled as I turned around to face Nick, my legs resting on either side of his waist as his hands slid to my thighs. I brushed his hair out of his eyes, pinning it back as I did so, noticing Nick kept flashing his eyes down to my lips. Vani handed us our own tube of face mask and I squirted some onto my hand, brushing some on my finger before rubbing it onto his face.
"Why are you smiling so much as you do this?" Nick asked, making me laugh slightly.
"Don't talk, you'll mess it up." I smirked back at him. I finished his first layer before applying it on my own face, turning back around as Dixie started 'Love, Rosie'.
"Is this going to make me cry?" Nick whispered in my ear and I nodded slightly, already feeling my eyes water over from the memories of the movie.
"Yes, it will." I whispered back as I rested my head back against his shoulder. I felt his arms wrap around my waist as he pulled my body back, closer to him. About midway through, we walked out to the bathroom, washing off our masks so that we could relax as we watched the sadder part of the movie. I sat down next to Nick, resting my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. By the time the movie had ended, both Nick and I were in tears, but everyone else was asleep.
"I'm going to turn off the tv, are you heading back to your room or staying here with me?" I asked and he smirked.
"I'll go back to mine, but can I talk to you, in a different room first?" He asked back and I nodded as we stood up, walking into the kitchen.
"What's up Nicky?" I asked, turning to him as he walked over to me.
"Look, I think you know that I'm starting to have feelings for you, and I know you have feelings for me two. I mean, God, I wanted to kiss you so bad tonight." He whispered and I nodded.
"Okay, so..." I started but he shook his head.
"But I don't want to be just some rebound. I know that you are going to take a while to get over Tommy. I get it, you were with the guy for a long time. So take as long as you need and let me know when you are 100% over him." He instructed with a straight face and I nodded slightly.
"Okay, I can do that." I whispered back, the corners of his mouth curving up into a small smile as he pecked my cheek.
"I'll see you in the morning, sweet dreams cutie."
"Good night, Nicky." I smiled back as I watched him walk out of the kitchen, my cheek tingling where his lips had touched them.

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