Nicole raked back her hair. "It's getting bad again. They don't spread out anymore," she commented, leaning back onto her left ankle as she watched the fence-cleaners while they killed the walkers through the fence.

"With more of us sitting here, we're drawing more of them out. You get enough fence-clingers, and they start to herd up and push against the fence," Daryl responded, putting some food in his mouth.

"It's manageable, but unless we get ahead of it, not for long," Nolan added. "Nadia and I are going to go down there in help in a little bit."

Nicole swiveled her head to her brother. "Speaking of Nadia, what's going on between you two?" she inquired, sharing a glance with Daryl.

Nolan's expression conformed into shock like he'd been caught red-handed. "I don't know what you're talking about," he stated before he began walking away. She couldn't help herself as she let out a chuckle.

"C'mon, let's go pack," Daryl muttered, nudging her playfully before he walked away.

Nicole nodded as she followed him, sparing one last glance at the walker covered fence. Nicole rounded the corner to the truck where Tyreese and Sasha had already packed a few things. Nicole handed Daryl another bag before watching Beth talk to her boyfriend, Zach. They were cute together. Nicole had a soft smile as Beth placed a kiss against Zach's cheek and walked off. "So, are you gonna say goodbye?" he called out to the younger blonde with a playful smirk on his face.

"Nope!" Beth replied with a bright smile on her face. Nicole shook her head as she picked up the final thing on the ground and slid it into the truck.

"It's like a damn romance novel," Daryl snarked out with a smirk as he passed Zach. Nicole scoffed playfully as he placed a can of gasoline in the back of the truck. The older blonde swiveled her head and watched as Beth disappeared from her sight. Daryl shut the truck and glanced over to Nicole. "Ya alright?"

Nicole tore herself from her daze and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine," she stated. "I just need to get my stuff from the cell, so we can go." Daryl nodded, leaning forward to brush back some hair from Nicole's face. Nicole gave him a soft smile and pushed herself up to kiss him on the cheek. She wasn't entirely comfortable with public affection, even if they did it sometimes.

"Ugh," Zach sounded from behind them. "It's like a damn romance novel." Nicole chuckled before she tossed him a middle finger - the younger boy gave her an amused smile.

"What is?" a sweet voice called out as it rounded the corner. Nicole and Daryl turned their gaze to the two little girls that came into their view.

Cheyanne's brown eyes saw how close the two of them were. "My parents were being all lovey-dovey again," she informed the blonde girl beside her. Arabella laughed before she stepped forward to hug Zach. As she did that, Cheyanne walked closer to her mother, handing her mother her backpack and her baseball bat.

"Oh, thanks, baby," Nicole spoke with a soft smile.

"Figured you'd need it if you're going on a run," the little girl informed. "I wish I could come."

Nicole sighed, crouching down in front of her daughter. "You know what the council decided," she whispered. "Only 16 and up are allowed on runs."

"That's so stupid," Cheyanne groaned, brushing back some brown stans of hair. "I'm almost eleven - I should be able to come with you."

Nicole shook her head. "Rules are rules, love." Cheyanne rolled her eyes and turned away from her mother to watch Arabella and Zach talk. "Nope, no, ma'am. Do not roll your eyes at me," Nicole scolded, stepping in front of the girl. "I can't control the rules."

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