"Technically, we're in our room, little girl," Nicole sassed Cheyanne as the little girl leaned sideways against the guardrail.

Cheyanne laughed with slight sarcasm. "Carol wanted me to come wake you guys up for breakfast - and my job is done," Cheyanne informed before she darted back down the stairs and out to the courtyard where they ate most of the time.

Nicole chuckled, leaning back to stare up at the man in front of her. "We better go before that wild child has an aneurysm," Nicole said, leaning up to place a chaste kiss on Daryl's lips before she began making her way down the stairs. Daryl was hot on her trail. There were very few people in the cell block. Beth was playing with Judith in her cell as usual. Beth had grown up a lot the past few months and was genuinely excited about taking on the role of Judith's caretaker while the rest of the group worked. Rick had gotten better over time because he finally let Lori go - something Nicole was still working on - and turned his attention to helping make this place a home. Nicole was proud of him.

The couple managed to exit the cellblock without any problems and entered the courtyard. Almost immediately, people started greeting Daryl like he was a god or something. Though, Nicole wouldn't doubt it that much because he was sure as hell was built like one. Nicole herself got a few casual good mornings, which she was happy to return, but for the most part, the spotlight was on the redneck. The blonde nudged the man beside her. "Just remember the little people when you're riding off into the sunset on your motorcycle with a sea of fans following you," she teased with a small smirk on her face. "In all, just remember me because I liked you first."

"Ya hated me when we first met," he said as he nudged her back.

"That's beside the point," Nicole retorted as she took a dish from Carol. "Anyways," Nicole let out a soft laugh. "Good morning, Carol." Nicole offered the older woman a bright smile as she dished up another bowl for Daryl.

"Mornin', Nicole. You guys sleep okay?" she asked as she handed Daryl his bowl. Nicole nodded, shoving some of the meat into her mouth.

"Speak for yourself," Daryl shot out. "Ya hogged the bed all night."

Nicole glared at him while aggressively shoving the last bit of meat into her mouth. She planned on responding - and she would've if Nolan hadn't jogged over. "I need to show y'all something," he stated firmly before he glanced toward Nadia, who was sitting with Cheyanne. Don't think that Nicole didn't notice that.

Nicole gave Carol a playful expression, and Carol chuckled as she returned to cooking more meat. The three of them were about to walk away when a voice piped up from behind them. "Mr. Dixon?" the nervous voice asked. Nicole turned around amused when she saw Carl's friend Patrick approaching them. He pushed his glasses back up to the bridge of his nose with a smile on his face. "Um, I just wanted to thank you for bringing that deer back yesterday," he began. Daryl glanced over to Nicole with a slightly amused look. "It was a real treat, sir, and I'd be honored to shake your hand," Patrick added as he extended his hand to the redneck.

Nicole stifled her laugh as she watched Daryl lick each of his fingers slowly before slapping his hand against Patrick's. Unsure of what to do, Patrick nodded with a confused smile on his face. Daryl turned around and walked away. Nicole gave Patrick a playful smile and reached forward to ruffle his hair before jogging to catch up to Daryl.

They got up to the prison gates and stared over the courtyard. Nicole's heart dropped when she saw that there were more walkers than usual. "I don't know how many people we can spare for the run," Nolan chirped out, crossing his arms across his chest. "We might need them here if the fence falls."

"There's a couple dozen more than yesterday," Nicole sighed.

"Especially toward tower three," Daryl replied as he pointed in that direction.

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