Lone City- Good Times

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Thank you Jaiz_Mankoo for the inspiration for this chapter!!

I have been married to Ash for about two years now. We are following our dreams and we live together in a house we built, with a farm.

The town has finally been rebuilt and there are no longer circles. We currently live out in the country without many neighbors.

We like to just lay outside together and look at the stars. We even have some pillows and blankets that we keep in the barn for when we want to feel close to the "White Rose".

We still keep in touch with Garnet and Raven. They got married shortly after me and Ash and they seem to be just as happy as we are.

Ash is very proud of our new lifestyles and says he wishes his life had been this easy all along. I wish that for him too, but if all the bad things hadn't happened, we wouldn't have even met.

I suddenly feel Ash pull me closer and whisper in my ear "I love you Violet".

He must know that I'm awake. "Good morning," I say to him while rolling over to kiss him.

I've been thinking while laying here letting him sleep, but I guess he's ready to get up now.

"Are you excited to see our friends Violet?"

What friends are we seeing? I don't remember making plans for today? And then it clicked. We are going on a picnic with Raven and Garnet.

"I'm very excited. When are we going again?"

"In just a few hours so I'd say we should start getting ready after breakfast," he replies.

I guess I'll go start some bacon and eggs for breakfast before I get ready for our picnic.

"I'm going to go take care of the horses while you get breakfast going."

"Okay, but don't be too long!"

I'm glad Ash is a lot more laid back now. He was always so tense and everyone thought he was the criminal. If more people knew what he went through they would never think of him that way again.

I still can't believe he risked everything to meet me IN THE DUCHESSES OWN PALACE. He could have been killed, yet he still did it for me.

"Ash! Come back in! Breakfast is ready!"

He's gross from being outside now. He'll have to take a shower before our picture.

"Thanks for making breakfast Violet."

"You're welcome, what do you think we should bring to the picnic."

"Why don't we just pack some sandwiches and fruit. That sounds like enough, doesn't it?"

"Sounds good to me," I say smiling.

After breakfast we both took showers and then got ready. We have a horse drawn wagon to take up to the picnic location since it would be too long of a walk. I'm just excited to see our friends.

"Hey Violet and Ash! We're so happy to see you two," Garnet says.

"Hey Garnet," I say as I walk up to hug him.

"We brought salads, cookies, and a cheese platter, what did you guys bring," Raven said.

"We brought sandwiches and some fruit," Ash replied.

"Well then, it looks like we've got ourselves a picnic," Garnet said.

We talked and ate for a while before everyone got quiet and Raven started to speak.

"You know how I always told you that I wanted to fall in love Violet?" I nod my head in confirmation. "Well I obviously did since I married Garnet, but if we our city was the same as before I wouldn't have gotten the chance. I would have died being a surrogate. I know we have always been told that we will die during childbirth but..." Raven then just trailed off.

"I don't think I understand what you're saying Raven. What are you trying to tell me?"

"Violet," Raven says taking my hands. "I am pregnant with Garnet." She then started crying, but they seem to be happy tears.

"Oh Raven you won't die," I say, starting to cry myself.

"I know, and that's why I'm so happy. You helped change the world so I can have a baby and not die. This baby will actually be mine. I won't have to give it to some evil duchess."

"I'm so happy for you Raven, congratulations!"

The rest of the picnic was full of congratulations and happy faces. I couldn't be more happy than I am right now.

As we walked through the front door Ash asked me, "do you think we should have told them?"

"No, I'm happy with keeping it a secret for a while," I say while putting my hands on my stomach.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment. I greatly appreciate recommendations for future chapters.

I can do texts, group chats, situations, short stories, or anything else you guys suggest. Just let me know what you want to see.

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