author's note

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hey guys. it's been months since i've updated this book lol. i'm probably gonna delete this but anyway, i've just come here to give an update after that shit episode jason put us through.

i'm tired of him. i'm tired of the cast. i'm just done lmao. those of you who haven't seen the newest episode of the show are probably confused but i don't wanna spoil it so i'm not gonna say any spoilers. those who did watch probably have a distinct idea on why i'm upset with what happened so i'm going to give an explanation on why i've been struggling with this book.

first and foremost, i lost motivation. like almost all of it but i knew that i still wanted to continue cobalt's story so i never really like put a huge stop to it. i don't think it wasn't until all that shit happened with bob and eliza did i seriously think about discontinuing hard to love. and now with the shit that jason pulled, it's gotten me so mad and i just do not want to be in this fandom at all anymore.

don't get me wrong. i love the 100. i love the characters, the show, the books. i've been watching this show since i was in elementary school. i'm in high school now. but jason just continues to ruin his own show and i'm done with it. the 100 will always have my heart but i can not put up with this anymore.

when i first started hard to love, i honestly didn't expect this book to blow up but it did. and i'm so grateful for you guys. i am. seeing your comments really light up my day and make me so happy. i'm still so shocked on how many of you actually want me to continue this book after months without updates. it really makes me thankful for all of you. you guys seem so nice.

so for you guys, i've decided i'm not going to unpublish hard to love. nor am i gonna discontinue it. i love cobalt. i love john. i love everything about my book and for that, i'm going the finish the rest of season one. i'm not gonna write season two because it's just too much for me and i don't think i can handle it after all of this. i hope you guys understand, and if you don't, i'm sorry.

once i get back into writing htl, updates will be slow, but they won't take months this time. i promise.

i love you all, have a good day <3

— scarlett

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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