Chapter 4: The Owlery

Start from the beginning

"And yours is better?"

Harry grinned, "Much better."

"I doubt it. Everyone knows that you haven't been able to get a date. The rumours say that you'll either show up alone or won't dare to show your face," Malfoy said, looking far too satisfied with reciting those stupid rumours.

"Fascinating how no one has told me, but I'm grateful to reveal that they've been misinformed," He replied sharply, angry at those people who were unable of minding their own business. Everyone seemed to gossip about him, analysing his every move, thinking they knew who he was and believed they had the right to judge him.

"So who is it?" Malfoy asked warily.

"That's a secret."

A shrewd expression overcame Malfoy, "Sounds like you're dateless."

"I'm not," Harry spat back, vehemently denying it.

"So tell me."


"Then it must be so embarrassing that you can't say it."

Harry looked away quickly, biting his lip. That was very close to the truth. He wasn't embarrassed, but was Ron? Would others be as they found out? Society wasn't exactly affectionate towards those who stood out, and he knew from Ron's previous reactions, that his friend wasn't thrilled about the idea.

"At least I'm going with someone I like," He said in such a quiet voice that Malfoy strained to hear the words over a roaring wind that surrounded them.

"Oh you really are embarrassed?" Malfoy asked bewildered.

He felt the need to clarify himself, because he truly wasn't ashamed over Ron as his date, just worried over the reaction they would receive. "Not really... I'm overjoyed that the person wants to go with me, but it's a bit unconventional," He whispered as he made a big show of adjusting his robes. They had become wrinkly and dusty from the fall, so it was needed. The action however failed at removing Malfoy's attention from the sentence he had uttered.

Malfoy looked perplexed and apparently the curiosity made him forget their animosity, because he leaned in and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What do you mean?"

The exotic and majestic cologne that Draco wore, rich with spices and sweet flowers, drifted into his mind as he breathed it in. All thanks to the close proximity of their bodies. He took another whiff. Secretly adoring the scent he so often had wondered about, wanting something similar as the smell was very addictive. It wouldn't surprise him if Malfoy made it himself, the young potions master that he was.

Harry flinched, both from his wandering mind and the question, wondering if he could be honest. Slowly he looked up, after observing his shoes and his eyes locked on Malfoy's. In that cold tower, with no one around besides owls, met by a genuine look of kindness, he felt like he was with a friend instead of an enemy. That's why he decided to not lie, "My date is a guy."

The way Malfoy's jaw dropped, stunned into silence, just confirmed his thoughts of how people would be thoroughly shocked when he showed up with Ron.

There was a dangerous sparkle in Malfoy's eye that were settled on Harry's. He nervously gulped, wondering if he made a mistake.

"You're gay?"

Considering the way he had felt about Ron he couldn't deny that he wasn't simply interested in girls, so he shrugged half-heartedly. "Going with a guy instead of a girl speaks for itself, doesn't it?" He muttered.

He replied smugly, "Yes, it does." A few seconds passed. "So you've got a secret boyfriend that you're going with?"

"What? No! He's not even gay."

Malfoy smiled a very slow, creeping smile that took a moment to mature into a sort of mad, satisfied grin on his face. Revealing all of his white teeth. Unusually happy.

The reaction was unnerving, "Malfoy... What are you planning now?" He folded his arms in front of him, using his stance as a protective armour. 

Greedy silver eyes were sweeping him from head to toe. Malfoy leaned in further. They were now so close that his breath gently panted against Harry's ear. A melodic voice washed over him, three words whispered, "Call me Draco."


Malfoy reached up and calmly brushed a lock of silky black hair out of the way. With tentative fingers he traced the lines of Harry's face, causing shivers in its wake, speaking softly, "I think we're old enough to put an end to our silly rivalry, don't you agree?"

His heart hammered away, beating faster and faster.

Wordlessly he nodded.

"Good, save a dance for me at the ball. I'll wear extra hard shoes so you can stomp as much as you want," He winked. Then with absurd pomposity he bowed his head slightly and drawled, "Goodnight Harry."

With disbelief he repeated a low goodnight, feeling like a mindless parrot, stuck with only one thought; He was on first name basis with Malfoy.

Silently he slipped out of the doorway and began the walk down, carefully stepping on the snow-covered steps so he wouldn't slip and fall.

Falling once was more than enough.


Words: 2097

A/N: Important question (sort of) for those who are reading. Would you prefer Harry to end up with Ron or Draco?

When I started writing I had only Ron in mind, but now I'm thinking the story might run smoother with Draco...

Anyway, if you've got a opinion, then comment and I'll take it into consideration. ❤️

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